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Causes of land pollution

by Kajol Uprety | 25-03-2020 13:27 recommendations 0

Causes of Land Pollution

1. Deforestation and soil erosion

Deforestation carried out to create dry lands is one of the major concerns. Land that is once converted into dry or barren land, can never be made fertile again, whatever the magnitude of measures to redeem it is. Land conversion, meaning the alteration or modification of the original properties of the land to make it use-worthy for a specific purpose is another major cause. This hampers the land immensely.

Also there is a constant waste of land. Unused available land over the years turns barren; this land then cannot be used. So in search of more land, potent land is hunted and its indigenous state is compromised with.

2. Agricultural activities

With the growing human population, demand for food has increased considerably. Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid off insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops. However with the overuse of these chemicals, they result in contamination and poisoning of soil.

3. Mining activities

During extraction and mining activities, several land spaces are created beneath the surface. We constant hear about land caving in; this is nothing but nature¡¯s way of filling the spaces left out after mining or extraction activity.

4. Overcrowded landfills

Each household produces tonnes of garbage each year. Garbage like aluminum, plastic, paper, cloth, wood is collected and sent to the local recycling unit. Items that can not be recycled become a part of the landfills that hampers the beauty of the city and cause land pollution.

5. Industrialization

Due to an increase in demand for food, shelter, and house, more goods are produced. This resulted in creation of more waste that needs to be disposed of. To meet the demand of the growing population, more industries were developed which led to deforestation. Research and development paved the way for modern fertilizers and chemicals that were highly toxic and led to soil contamination.

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  • Dormant user Kajol Uprety
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  • Sushma Sapkota says :
    Really informative ,
    thank you for sharing
    Posted 31-03-2020 00:48

  • Jasmine Karki says :

    Thank you so much for sharing this report!!
    Hope to learn more from you on upcoming days..

    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 30-03-2020 18:37

  • Susmita Adhikari says :

    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers

    Warm regards
    Posted 29-03-2020 01:04

  • Anima Pokhrel says :
    Thanks for your report.
    Keep Writing
    Posted 28-03-2020 12:58

  • Sameer Singh says :
    Land should be protected from being polluted as it is the base of agriculture.
    Thank you for the information.
    Posted 28-03-2020 02:02

  • Rachu Khanal says :
    Thanks for report
    Posted 26-03-2020 10:36

  • Ramesh Oli says :
    Hello Kajol!!!

    I like yours report.
    Its great to know new thing through this platform.

    Warm regards,

    Posted 25-03-2020 19:44

  • Swesha Dhamala says :
    Hello Kajol!!
    I hope you are fine.

    Thanks for sharing such an wonderful report.

    Posted 25-03-2020 19:25

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Hello Kajol!

    I hope you are fine and doing great.

    I really like yours report.
    Even through agricultural activities, land pollution occurs.
    Use of different chemicals, pesticides cause harm to the environment i.e. land.

    Keep writing and shining.
    Hope to know more from you.

    Warm regards,

    Posted 25-03-2020 13:32

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