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Landslide and its tiggering assets

by Ganga Timilsina | 29-03-2020 23:59 recommendations 0


The downward and outward movement of slope forming material along surface of separation by falling , sliding and flowing at faster rate is called landslide. The influence of gravity is a constant operation for landslide. Although, landslides are primarily associated with mountainous regions, they can also occur in areas of low relief, especially in surface excavations for highways, buildings, and open pit mines. The geological history and human activities often cause unstable conditions that lead to slope failure.

Usually they occur on steep slopes , where hard and heavy rocks overlie softer. Landslide is one of the most effective and widespread mechanism by which landslide is developed.

The main causes of landslide are not same as the causes of the triggering of the slides. The main triggering factors are:

a. cloud burst (200-1000 mm per day)

b. uncontrolled flow of water on slope surfaces from over flooded steep

c. toe cutting may activate failure by overtopping of rock blocks or slides in colluvium.

d. earthquake vibration

e. blasting vibration

f. flash flood due to glacier lake outburst/ or due to failure of landslide dams, etc.

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  • Dormant user Ganga Timilsina
  • recommend


  • Sameer Singh says :
    Thanks for the infromative report.
    Posted 31-03-2020 00:53

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    I do hope everything is going well..

    Thank you so much for sharing this report with us !!
    It was great to know about landslide and its triggering factors..
    Hope to learn more from you on upcoming days..

    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 30-03-2020 17:36

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Ganga!!!

    Nice report on landslides!!
    Monsoon Rain increases the risk of landslides in Nepal!!


    Posted 30-03-2020 16:46

  • Rachu Khanal says :
    Thank you for your report
    Posted 30-03-2020 09:56

  • Soyam Dhamala says :
    Hello Ganga!!

    Planting trees controls the landslide in the great extent.
    Rapid flow of water is also responsible for fall of the land.

    Keep writing.

    Posted 30-03-2020 00:07

  • Swesha Dhamala says :
    Hello Ganga!!

    Landslide is the huge fall of land.
    Earthquake also cause landslide in the great extent.

    Keep writing.

    Posted 30-03-2020 00:05

  • Ramesh Oli says :
    keep on writing!! Thanks for article
    Posted 30-03-2020 00:02

  • Apsara Sapkota says :
    Nice report, keep on writing!!
    Posted 30-03-2020 00:02

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