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The Locust Surge

by Meghana Fessy | 02-06-2020 16:09 recommendations 0

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, India and Pakistan are battling another crisis -- their worst locust attack in nearly three decades.

The flying insects have crossed over to India in a wave of desert swarms from neighboring Pakistan, sweeping several parts of the country and threatening to damage crops.

Locusts are an omnivorous and migratory insect that can fly hundreds of kilometers in swarms and easily cross national boundaries. Apart from Africa and Asia, it is also found in the Middle East, and inhabits some 60 countries. A swarm one sq. kilometer in size contains about 40 million locusts, which eat the same amount of food in one day as about 35,000 people, according to the FAO.

India has not witnessed full-blown locust cycles after 1993. Heavy rains and increasing number of cyclones, both effects of the climate crisis, enabled unprecedented breeding and the rapid growth of locust populations on the Arabian Peninsula early last year, according to the United Nations.Research admitted that there hasn¡¯t been much ¡°systematic research¡± on desert locusts since the 1990s and the current invasion is a wake-up call to revive the programme. This is indeed a wake-up call. The earth has entered a period of hydrological, climatological, and biological change that differs from previous episodes .

Experts have warned of huge crop losses if the swarms are not stopped by June when the monsoons will lead to a new season of sowing rice, sugarcane, cotton and other crops.While locusts are unlikely to be a threat in urban centres as they do not have much to feed on, the national lockdown has made the availability of pesticide as well as its transportation difficult. With labour also not being available easily due to the lockdown, this could affect spraying operations and, as a result, allow locusts to cause significant damage.

Experience shows that a locust plague usually follows a one to two year cycle after which there is a lull for eight to nine years. However, strong Indian Ocean Dipoles are expected to become more frequent whetted by an overall trend of warming oceans. This phenomenon could trigger regular locust infestations.


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  • Dormant user Meghana Fessy
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  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Hello Meghana,
    I hope you are safe and healthy.
    Locust has been a threat for Nepal too, being a neighbor country. I hope this menace will also fly away from India and Pakistan before any devastating crisis.
    Thanks for writing on locusts.
    Posted 20-07-2020 00:16

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello Meghama
    I hope you are doing well
    Locust is another big threat not only for farmers but also for every living beings

    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers!
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 11-06-2020 10:33

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Wonderful Report
    Keep Writing
    Posted 05-06-2020 13:25

  • Sudha Bhandari says :
    Hello Meghana,
    It's very sad to hear about the locust in the ongoing crisis of Corona pandemic.

    Hope we will overcome this soon.

    Thanks for sharing

    Posted 04-06-2020 20:11

Prakriti  Ghimire

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Hopefully, we will overcome this
    Posted 03-06-2020 00:54

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Meghana!

    I hope you are fine and doing great!
    First COVID-19 and now locusts , world is going through hard time now. We should follow the preventive measure for control of locusts otherwise ,it may great huge impact.Nepal is in thread of it.

    Hope that bright days are coming ahead.
    Thanks for sharing!



    Posted 02-06-2020 20:29

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Hello Meghana,
    Its so bad to hear the news of locust and it sperading all over the world.
    It is very necessary to be ready to fight with this otherwise food crisis is no far.
    Hope all this will set aoon and we could spread awareness.
    Thank you for this wonderful report.

    Green Cheers,

    Shreya Aryal
    Posted 02-06-2020 18:47

  • Preeti Karki says :
    Hello there,
    This year has proved to be difficult for the entire world.Hopefully, we will overcome this
    Thank you for sharing
    Posted 02-06-2020 18:12

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