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8 Ways to Make Your Pool Eco Friendly

by Jenn Lee | 03-06-2020 05:20 recommendations 0

Nothing sounds better on a hot day than relaxing in a pool or going for a swim. If you¡¯re trying to live a greener life, though, you may have quickly learned that your favorite place to relax isn¡¯t all that eco-friendly. It uses a substantial amount of water, requires harsh chemicals, and relies on electricity for the pump, lights, and heating.

You don¡¯t have to give up your pool to maintain your eco-friendly lifestyle. Here are eight ways that you can ¡°green¡± it.

Cover Your Pool When It¡¯s Not in Use

Pools lose an average of ¨ù-inch of water every day due to evaporation. Rather than refill your pool every few days to keep it full, use a cover when it¡¯s not in use. A cover can help cut water loss by 95%.

Reduce or Eliminate Chemicals

The traditional chemicals that keep pools clean are incredibly harsh. While they help keep your pool clean and free of algae, they¡¯re dangerous to humans, animals, and the environment. Cut back on (or eliminate) the chemicals you use by looking for alternative cleaning methods. Natural pools use plants to keep the water clean. If you're interested in custom pools Bullard builders, are professionals that will help you to find out about options like ozone systems and saltwater.

Switch to Solar for Heating

Pools require electricity for heating and many other functions like running the pumps. Rather than rely on traditional energy, install solar panels. Solar energy can help to cut back on (or even eliminate) the need for electricity to keep your pool warm, lit, and clean.

Swap Out Your Lights

Today, you have several options for pool lighting. If you haven¡¯t done so already, it¡¯s time to swap out old, incandescent bulbs for a more energy-efficient alternative such as LEDs or solar lights.

Use Cartridge Filters

If you have a sand filter, it¡¯s time to replace it with a cartridge version. Cartridge filters are considered one of the greenest options. They require less water to clean. Rather than being backwashed, the filters only need to be hosed off a couple of times a year.

Install a Windbreak

Pool covers help to reduce evaporation. Another way to help keep the water where you want it is with a windbreak. You can have a fence installed or plant a natural windbreak of shrubs or trees. Not only will this limit evaporation, but it will also help keep debris out and give you more privacy.

Set a Timer

Your pool¡¯s pump is a vital component in the filtration system. It keeps the water moving and helps to push out dirt and debris. The problem is that most pumps run longer than necessary. You may turn it on with the intention of turning it off in a few hours, but end up forgetting about it until several hours later.

Rather than waste energy (and deal with sky-high energy bills), get a pump timer. You can set the timer to run at intervals throughout the day, so it¡¯s not running for hours on end. The timer can also be beneficial when you¡¯re away on trips, preventing stagnation and unwanted buildup.

Fix Leaks

Even the smallest leaks cause water loss, which means refilling more frequently. The other problem with leaks is that they can get bigger over time, leading to significant structural damage and expensive repairs. As soon as you notice a leak, get it fixed. Doing so will save water, money, and a lot of unnecessary frustration.

You can live an eco-friendly life while still enjoying a refreshing dip in your pool. With just a few changes, your pool can become your favorite ¡°green¡± place to relax.


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  • Dormant user Jenn Lee
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  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Hello Jenn,
    I hope you are safe and having good times.
    It was a great report. I haven't thought that even our pool can be eco friendly. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to learn more from you.
    Posted 20-07-2020 16:23

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello jenn
    I hope you are doing well
    Very great eco-friendly measures
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers!
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 11-06-2020 10:32

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Hello Jenn,
    You have shared such a good information on making our pool ecofriendly.
    I really like reading your report.

    Keep writing.
    Shreya Aryal

    Posted 05-06-2020 16:17

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Wonderful Report
    Keep Writing
    Posted 05-06-2020 13:24

  • Heemani Singh says :
    Hello Jenn,
    I hope you are doing fine and great
    I really enjoyed reading your report.Its informative
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 04-06-2020 23:38

  • Sudha Bhandari says :
    Hello Jenn,
    I hope you are doing fine and great

    Thanks for sharing an informative report.
    keep writing and sharing

    Hope to learn more from you.


    Posted 04-06-2020 20:09

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Posted 04-06-2020 17:39

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Jenn!

    I hope you are fine and doing great!

    I enjoy reading your report,thanks for sharing amazing report.I will surely follow it once I have a pool in future.

    Keep on sharing!


    Posted 03-06-2020 20:44

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