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Easy Eco-Friendly Habits to Adopt

by Carol Evenson | 06-06-2020 05:18 recommendations 0

There are a lot of misconceptions about going green that can scare people away from adopting more eco-friendly practices. You¡¯ve probably heard a few of them before. Going green is too expensive. It¡¯s hard, and there¡¯s too much work involved. It requires you to make significant life changes.

The great news is that going green doesn¡¯t have to be expensive or challenging. You also don¡¯t need to make numerous changes overnight. You can start with just a few and gradually add more. If you¡¯re looking to live a greener life, here are some easy, eco-friendly habits that you can adopt to start the change.  

Cut Back on Meat and Dairy

While going vegan is one of the most eco-friendly things that you can do, it can also be too much of a significant change for many people. If you don¡¯t want to eliminate meat and dairy from your diet, you should at least try to cut back on your consumption. Animal agriculture uses more than 30% of the Earth¡¯s land and accounts for a substantial amount of greenhouse gases.

If going vegan, or even vegetarian, seems too extreme, cut meat and dairy out at least one day a week to start. Rather than chicken, opt for falafel. Instead of a whey protein shake, use a proplant complete shake coupon to try a dairy-free alternative.

Shop Local

Instead of going to the grocery store or chain stores for the things you need, try shopping locally. Hit up the farmer¡¯s market when you need fresh vegetables. Not only does your food travel a much shorter distance (keeping it fresher), but you¡¯re also supporting the farmers in your area, which helps to boost your local economy.

Get a Reusable Travel Mug

Are you the type of person who can¡¯t live without their morning coffee on the way to work? Even if you¡¯re supporting a small, local shop, those daily coffees can have a harmful impact. If you¡¯re just tossing the cups into the garbage can when you¡¯re done, they end up going to the landfill, where they don¡¯t decompose well.

Instead of continuing to get single-use cups every time you go for coffee, invest in a reusable mug. Most coffee shops are more than happy to pour your morning fuel into one. Your shop may even offer them for sale. Many shops also offer a discount. Want to take it one step further? If you drink iced coffee, purchase a metal straw to go with your reusable cup to avoid the single-use plastic ones.

Go Paperless Where You Can

If you¡¯re like most people, you likely pay many of your bills online. Yet, you might still receive paper reminders in the mail. Rather than waste the paper, opt-in with as many companies as you can for paperless billing. Instead of a physical reminder in the mailbox, you¡¯ll receive a digital one in your email inbox. You can also go paperless with paystubs, bank statements, and more.

Make Your Own Cleaners

Many of the cleaners you use in your home contain harsh chemicals. These chemicals can irritate your eyes, nose, and lungs. They¡¯re bad for the air and water.

Rather than continue to use such chemicals, make your own household cleaners. You can find several recipes online for basic cleaners that require just a few ingredients, most of which you likely already have in your home. They¡¯re effective, and they won¡¯t harm you or the environment.

Going green doesn¡¯t have to happen overnight. Nor do you have to attempt to make countless changes to your life all at once. Doing so can be overwhelming. Instead, start with a few small changes and gradually incorporate more as you grow more comfortable in your new, eco-friendly lifestyle.

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  • Dormant user Carol Evenson
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  • Bindu Dhakal says :
    Hello Carol,
    Hope you are doing great,
    Thank you so much for your informative report,
    Keep writing,
    Green Cheers,

    Posted 22-07-2021 23:08

  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Hello Carol,
    I hope this comment finds you in a good health and sound mind.
    I really appreciate the way you write things so impressively. Good to know about eco friendly habits and yes, we all should be conscious in adopting such habits.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Warm regards,
    Posted 20-07-2020 16:39

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello carol
    I hope you are doing well
    Very great eco-friendly measures
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers!
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 11-06-2020 10:23

  • sandesh thapa says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 09-06-2020 23:49

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 08-06-2020 01:18

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Coral!

    I hope you are fine and doing great!

    I enjoy reading your report,thanks for sharing eco-friendly habit we can adopt .


    Posted 06-06-2020 17:32

  • Pooja Gyawali says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 06-06-2020 17:32

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Hello Carol,
    We can carry out eco friendly activities in a easier way as you have mentioned.
    Thank you for this report.

    Green Cheers,
    Shreya Aryal
    Posted 06-06-2020 11:58

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