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Why should we plant a tree???

by | 29-01-2014 23:23 recommendations 0

Trees have been shown to assist with the removal of carbon dioxide (a key greenhouse gas) from the atmosphere and store it in the trunk, leaves, roots and soil. Furthermore the addition of tree to a degraded landscape also helps to reduce soil erosion, helps with water conservation, increases biodiversity and provides habitat for wildlife. Tree planting projects also provide livelihoods for communities in developing countries.

In India, the government there as part of unemployment allowance gives money and saplings to the unemployed, who plants them instead on the barren lands and road-sides. So, such initiative of the government of India is  really praiseworthy. Similarly, Government of Nepal also from time to time conducts re-forestation programs and I was lucky enough to be a part of that program. So if a developing country like Nepal can take such initiatives then why not other developing and developed countries take such initiative??? 

planting a tree gives immense satisfaction.

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  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks for sharing and highlighting Ashish
    Posted 05-02-2014 03:56

  • says :
    I really agree!!
    I once tried a tree planting application called Treeplanet or somthing..
    If you play a tree-growing game there, the application plants a real tree in Asia or Africa!
    It's a very environmental app..
    Anyway, I think that as you said, planting trees is fundamental for our society
    Thank you for sharing valuable information!!
    Posted 03-02-2014 23:11

  • says :
    Wow what the government of India is doing is really a ground breaking solution for deforestation!
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 03-02-2014 17:26

  • says :
    We all are making all out efforts in this direction. UAE Govt is very active in tree plantation
    Posted 02-02-2014 21:14

  • says :
    The earth is not just mine or yours, its ours!!!
    Posted 31-01-2014 14:45

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    UAE always makes all out efforts for tree planting. Agree with you. All countries must take this initiative
    Posted 30-01-2014 19:36

  • says :
    Thank you for the report. Nice work done.
    Posted 30-01-2014 12:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes , encouraging tree plantation or re-forestation doesn't need too much resources , it just needs that attitude and willingness of authorities and government . I agree with you that if India and Nepal can do , why can't others.
    Posted 30-01-2014 04:06

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