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Earth Kids Foundation's Celebration on WED 2014

by Rock Lee | 14-07-2014 12:37 recommendations 0

On 6th of June to celebrate ?World Environment Day? Earth Kids Foundation went to Hanriver Park to meet people and survey with 2 sticker boards about environmental issues now. One is about the most urgent environmental movement today? with the 4 choices, save water, save power, reduce food wastes and recycle. The other is about small island developing states that is designated in this year?s environmental theme by UN. We explained some SIDS?s issues a risk of sinking today because of global warming and climate change. There is the flag of ?Kiribati? on the board with question ? This is one of the sinking island?s flag now what do you thing it goes to which island?? alongside with answer Japan, Australia, Kiribati and Puket. We?d like to give them obvious example to choose easily. There were lots of families, friends get along in Korean Memorial Day at the Park. The 1st board 16 for 42 people choose ?saving water?, 7 stickers went to save power, 11 people choose ?reduce food wastes? then rest of them, 8 selected to recycle. When we ask them first time they thought deeply their choice it could effect their life in some way I guess and I hope so. The 2nd board are almost got clear answer ?Kiribati? 29 for 34 stickers the right answer. Some of them selected a Japan or Australis just for fun. It was real hot and sunny day but participants were show their interested in environmental issues in sincere. I hope that it motivate and encourage people to join ? Raise your voice not the sea level? movement.
wed wed wed wed wed wed wed

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  • Dormant user Rock Lee
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Interesting activity! Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 31-07-2014 21:31

  • Rock Lee says :
    Thanks Sunil! That was interesting event for the participants and us as well !!
    Posted 21-07-2014 08:09

  • Rock Lee says :
    Thank you, Burton!! :D
    Posted 21-07-2014 08:09

  • Rock Lee says :
    You're right, Christy! More than 30% participants thoughts that the saving water is the most urgent environmental issue we're facing now. Thanks for reading! :D
    Posted 21-07-2014 08:07

  • Rock Lee says :
    Thanks for reading Hyong Kim! :)
    Posted 21-07-2014 08:03

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing your activities on the occasion of environment day, it seems to be quite interesting.

    Posted 16-07-2014 21:10

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Awesome thanks for sharing
    Posted 15-07-2014 17:18

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing the day vividly, it's interesting :)
    And I can see almost 30% of people think the water is the most burning environmental issue.
    You did a great work!
    Posted 14-07-2014 14:23

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing - a very interesting story.
    Posted 14-07-2014 12:40

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