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Survey Report about climate change at the University Badji Mokhtar Annaba

by | 07-02-2016 07:19 recommendations 0

According to NASA,
Climate change, therefore, is a change in the typical or average weather of a region or city. This could be a change in a region's average annual rainfall, for example. Or it could be a change in a city's average temperature for a given month or season.
Climate change is also a change in Earth's overall climate. This could be a change in Earth's average temperature, for example. Or it could be a change in Earth's typical precipitation patterns.
According to UNEP, Climate change has long-since ceased to be a scientific curiosity, and is no longerjust one of many environmental and regulatory concerns. As the United Nations Secretary General has said, it is the major, overriding environmental issue of our time, and the single greatest challenge facing environmental regulators. It is a growing crisis with economic, health and safety, food production, security, and other dimensions.

The problem is very serious, the education and the awareness-raising play an essential role in increasing the climate change adaptation and mitigation capacities of communities.
To make awareness, a survey is a must to know the pre-understanding of climate change and its various impacts among the citizens of the region, so we can collect the informations to choose the best way to make awareness.
Our Survey
was launched at a major university in the north-eastern region of Algeria, the University of Badji Mokhtar Annaba.
The process showed that the students can understand the climate change
according to their branch of study.

The question of the survey was: what do you think about climate change?
The answers were various and here some of them:
  • Sami and Mohamed [students of Sports and Physical Education]: We do believe that climate change is happening, we think climate change is when we can't do our physical practices as we used to do because of the changing weather, as you see we have four seasons in the same day so the physical structure of the human being can't work in the same rhythm and can't product the same energy.
  • Linda [student of biology]: Climate change is real, I can see the flowers appear in winter like we are in spring season and it is very strange.
  • Imad [student of Hydrology]: Climate change is the disruptions of precipitation, we have more dry seasons. The rain falls rarely in winter.

The conclusion we can take from this Survey that whatever our profession is climate change won't effect only our environment but also our life and our career.


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  • says :
    Dear Sara much glad to know your survey dealt with climate change. I double agree, people understand climate change according to their field of expertise/study or field of experience, field of adverse impacts etc.
    Thank your for sharing with us dear Sara :)
    Posted 09-02-2016 02:36

  • says :
    Good Summarized. Climate change is a threat, it should be taken seriously. Global patterns are changing.
    Posted 07-02-2016 20:10

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Rightly said , Climate Change affects every aspect of our life. No body is unimpacted with it . So it is all of our responsibility as well to work towards mitigating it . Thanks for a nice report.
    Posted 07-02-2016 17:58

  • says :
    True to every words you said Sara. We are all but a product of Environment. If Climate Change is occuring, we should not be stubborn rather chage our habits accordingly :)
    Posted 07-02-2016 12:31

  • says :
    Truly, Climate Change cuts across every tribe, every tongue every profession and career we can think of. I believe with proper knowledge of this fact, people can also know the right approach to solving this challenge.Well done Sara.
    Posted 07-02-2016 09:42

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