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Centralia, a city where fire has lasted over fifty years

by | 06-05-2016 23:52 recommendations 0

    Hello ladies and gentleman. This is the ambassador of South Korea. In South Korea, we are having a holiday! Yesterday was Children's Day, today is temporary holiday and tomorrow is weekend. Even more, my high school has sports day and short vacation so I will have quite a long break. The weather is very clear, tons of flowers are blooming and I bet most of you would be enjoying this beautiful days. It seems like I should report something positive, but for today, I want to introduce a tragic situation which has been lasted over fifty years.

     Do you know the city Centralia, located in Pennsylvania? Originally, Centralia used to be one of the most famous places for mining industry. Once Centralia started to be developed as a coal mine field, the population has increased up to 2700. Sadly however, this city has been on fire over fifty years. 



     The history goes back to May 27th 1962. People lighted a fire at a garbage incineration plant in Centralia. After the incineration, people thought that they had extinguished the fire completely, however, that wasn't true and the fire moved to coal nearby. People tried to extinguish it by pouring forty thousand liters of water but that wasn't easy. It is very hard to fire anthracite, but once it is fired, it is very hard to be extinguished. Eventually, they gave up and wished the fire to die naturally. One day in 1979, one man measured the temperature of the oil repository located underground by chance. The temperature appeared to be abnormally high which was not logically acceptable. Even more, the temperature of 10m below the tank rated 527 Celsius. Government concluded that the high temperature is due to the fire that has started 17 years ago, so they tried to put it out. However, since the fire was going underground and the fact that they cannot actually 'see' it made firefighters difficult to extinguish it. Since then, the fire is being on progress.



     Due to the continuous fire, roads are being sunk and toxic smoke like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is emitted. Since 1984, government has executed deportation so almost all the residents have moved and the zip code is deleted. Now, Centralia is called 'ghost town'. Experts assume that the fire is going to last for more than 250 years.

     This accident shows how small mistake made by humans can affect the whole city environmentally, economically and so on. In case of Centralia, the whole living things are dying and the ground is becoming more and weaker. The toxic smoke emitted there pollutes the air and resources like coal is being wasted. From the story of Centralia, we can know that a small movement of humans can lead to disastrous happening. I insist that we, humans should be more careful toward the nature. Nature and environment is not a thing that we can control as want. Thanks///


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  • says :
    What an interesting story you brought today Chaeyun, thanks! No i haven't heard of this town. So monstrous. Talking about fire, did you hear about the fire in Canada? Seems like it's still spreading like crazy.. It's already burnt more than two times of Seoul's landmass. thanks for sharing and hope you spent your holidays well.

    Posted 10-05-2016 18:02

  • says :
    ChaeYun, it is surprising to know fire can last for over a decade, but what is more astonishing is that it has emptied the whole community. People should have had extinguished the fire as soon as possible, but no one woul dhave known this will last as a disaster for such a long time. There should be contiuous effort to stop the fire, though it may be very difficult. Thanks for writing and I hope to meet with you other wonderful reports!
    Posted 10-05-2016 12:13

  • says :
    Us humans took advantage of nature and this could be one way nature is punishing us. Humans are often careless, but it does not mean that we cannot stop it. Hopefully we would find a way to extinguish the fire soon. Thank you so much for your report. Keep it up!
    Posted 08-05-2016 02:55

  • Arushi Madan says :
    This is such a sorry state. True -small careless mistake can have such dangerous aftermaths on the entire ecosystem.We should live in harmony with nature else we should be prepared for nature's fury. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 07-05-2016 02:44

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