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Call for Applications - The 22nd Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 14-01-2019 17:22 Comments 21 Comments

Call for Applications

The 22nd Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors
Eco-generation would like to announce a call for applications for the 22nd Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors Program.
Eco-generation Regional Ambassador is an elite position awarded to the youth aged between 13 and 24 qualified to represent Tunza Eco-generation, an environmental networking platform for children and youth around the world. Eco-generation Regional Ambassador Program provides exceptional experiences with the opportunities to actively plan, to execute or participate in various environmental awareness programs in each region and country.
As a representative to Tunza Eco-generation, Eco-generation Regional Ambassador must embody the spirit and values of Tunza Eco-generation. Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors must take on various roles to promote and raise environmental awareness for each region and country they represent.
Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors would carry the voice of the future generations at an international level. Since new visitors will gain their first impression of Tunza Eco-generation through Eco-generation Ambassadors, they are also expected to be knowledgeable on current environmental issues and on the information about Tunza Eco-generation platform as well.
We look forward to many applications from the youth who are eager to protect the planet Earth.
Application details

1.     Eligibility
- All Tunza Eco-generation members aged between 13 and 24 (as of Feb 17, 2019) who are enthusiastic to spread news and stories about their local environmental issues at a global level
2.     Term
- The 21st Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors (hereinafter referred to as 'ambassador') shall be in the position for six (6) months from March 2019 until August 2019.
3.     Criteria
- 60% of Application form + 40% of Activity Points
- Six (6) month of coverage plan should be stated based on the concrete action plans.
- Any false information on an application form can cause disqualification or cancelation of position even after being selected
- Any unfair practice in gathering activity points can cause disqualification.
*For detailed information on point system, please refer to the Notice
[World] Guide for the Activity Point System. Eco-generation team shall strictly disqualify any candidates who have accrued the points in an unfair way.
*Examples of unfair practice in gathering activity points are as below:
   - Uploading many pointless short articles with only a few lines long in a short period of time
   - Dividing one article into multiple articles just to increase the number of articles
   - Putting short & half-hearted comments without actually reading articles
   - Secretly putting comments on old articles are regarded as cheating.
4.        Duties

4.1. Mandatory duties
- An Ambassador must post at least 2(Two) reports a month in regards to the environmental issues taking places in his/her region.
- An Ambassador should check the e-mail box and Eco-generation Ambassador Forum often so as to promptly respond to Eco-generation team's notice.
- If there is any change in the personal information such as e-mail, contact number and home address, a revised 'Consent to Use of Personal Information' form must be submitted to the Eco-generation team via email (
ecogeneration@samsung.com) within 1(One) week.

4.2. Optional duties
- An Ambassador shall voluntarily plan and execute campaigns and events to raise environmental awareness and to promote TUNZA Eco-generation in the local communities.
- An Ambassador shall try to leave comments on other Ambassador's reports after carefully reading them as often as possible for active idea exchange and for encouraging each other's efforts and campaigns.
- An Ambassador shall join various events including Monthly Events, Essay Competition and etc. of the Tunza Eco-generation website.
5.       Benefits of completion
- Improvement of environmental leadership
- Enhancing promotions for one's organization or environmental awareness programs
- Online mentoring to all Ambassador Reports
- Promotional goods for the environmental awareness campaigns to be planned and executed by an Ambassador
- Certificate to verify successful completion of the Ambassador's duties
- Reference letters
- The 3(Three) best ambassador reports will be published on the monthly Tunza Eco-generation Newsletter which is publicly released to the Tunza Eco-generation members.
- Recognition of the'Best Ambassador of the term' shall be given to 1(One) Ambassador who shows the most passionate and active environmental activities as well as the participations in various events of Tunza Eco-generation. A certificate and souvenir will be given to the Best Ambassador at the end of the term. The process and final decision on the selection shall be planned and confirmed by Eco-generation team.
- Express Entry to the facilitator candidates of the 2019 Junior Engineering Academy when completed one's term

 (From the year 2019, only the Ambassadors who completed their term can be qualified to apply for the  facilitators to the Junior Engineering Academy)
6.     Completion of ambassador term
- Ambassadors who posted minimum 12 valid ambassador reports will be eligible for term completion and the certificate.
- Ambassadors who successfully completed their term will get significant advantage in term extension process. (Please check the details at the section 9. Extension of Ambassador Term.)
- If the posted ambassador reports turn out to be not valid due to lack in format, copyright issue and etc., Eco-generation can cancel the term completion even after the issuance of the certificate.
- To reduce the CO2 emission, the certificate will be issued in digital PDF format.


7.     Extension of ambassador term
- A current Ambassador who successfully completed both mandatory and optional duties will get the privilege of being selected without the screening process.
- In spite of the privilege of screening exemption, the 6 (SIX) months coverage plan and the motivation should be filled up in the Application form Page and submitted within the application deadline. In short, the application form submission is required in the same way but the contents of it won't effect on the result.
- A current Ambassador who has failed to complete the mandatory duties or misbehaved shall be regarded as a new applicant.
- An Ambassador can broaden their region to the continental level upon their request after successfully covering their country 1 (ONE) year straight. However, if the Ambassador covers one's country only during the continental ambassadorship period, his/her coverage will return to the country level in the next term.
- An Ambassador can cover only 1 (ONE) country/continent during the ambassador term.
- Examples of improper behaviors which may cause disqualification of term extension include;
   ∙ Irregular posting of the ambassador reports
   ∙ Violation on the copyright law
   ∙ Insincere communication such as not responding Eco-generation's notice e-mails
∙ Ignoring other Ambassadors' activities such as not putting comments on their posts
∙ Cancelation of events after receiving Eco-generation's promotional goods
8.     How to apply
- Visit Tunza Eco-generation
Home>Our Actions>Ambassador Program>Application form (tab)
- Please submit your plan on how and what to cover your issues for 6 (six) months when you become an ambassador to your country.
- We do not accept any recommendation letter from other organizations.

9.     Disclaimer
- By using our Services you agree to provide true, accurate and current information solely for the Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors program.
- If any of mandatory information is missing, application will be disqualified.
- Basically, 1 (one) Ambassador shall be selected for each region and country. However, if applicants have distinctive environmental experiences or 6 months coverage plans, multiple ambassadors can be selected for one region or country.
- We announce the selection announcement only through our website and email. If a selected ambassador does not respond to Eco-generation's confirmation request e-mail in 3 business days, the selection will be automatically canceled and the opportunity will be given to the next candidate.
- Only one entry per applicant is allowed. Multiple applications will not be accepted.
- Paper and e-mail applications will not be accepted.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Belated applications via email will not be considered.
10.     Deadline
- Deadline for application is 20th February, 2019 (Midnight, GMT+0).
11.  Result Announcement
- Announcement will be on 25th February, 2019 (GMT +0) on Tunza Eco-generation website as well as private email. Please check our website and your email box to confirm the result.

Are there other qualifications for Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors?
- Environmentally friendly mind
- Integrity, fair practices
- Active participation in Tunza Eco-generation programs
- Internet-friendly environment
- Good at utilizing SNS 
Is there anything an Eco-generation Regional Ambassador should be cautious regarding posting articles?
- Ambassador articles largely copied from other sources will not be allowed.
- Violation on the copyright law will be dealt seriously.
- Inappropriate articles which are violating the copyright law, provocative and insulting can be deleted without any prior notice.
- Irregular article uploading may cause disadvantage in ambassador term extension.
- Articles not related to environmental issues will not be counted as the ambassador article.
- Articles which contain simply links of other environmental news will not be counted as the ambassador article.
- An article should contain more than 4 paragraphs or it won't be regarded as an ambassador article.
- An article with few contents which would not be normally regarded as an article
How can an Ambassador get a Reference Letter?
- TUNZA Eco-generation doesn't provide any form of letters for college or university admission.
- A reference letter can be issued only for ambassadors who have completed the first 3 months successfully. (Minimum 6 articles regularly uploaded)
- Format and details for any recommendation letter should be provided by the applicant.
How can an Ambassador get EXTRA promotional goods for a campaign?
- Basically, Ambassadors cannot request extra promotional goods other than the certain period of request.

- However, if an Ambassador needs extra promotional goods, Request form for Promotion Goods will be distributed to the ambassadors via E-mail. Any ambassador who needs promotional goods must fill out all required information on the request form as detail as possible and submit the form to Eco-generation team via e-mail.
- Considering differences in local postal services and adjustment process between an Ambassador and Eco-generation team, a request form must be submitted at least 3 weeks before the event.
- Eco-generation doesn't take responsibility of tax payment including tariff on the requested goods.
- There are countries which up to 2kg of promotional goods can be sent.
What should I do if I can't upload two (2) articles a month?
- There can be ambassadors who cannot keep the posting schedule for a while due to exams or other important events. Ambassadors who are in such situations can send an excuse e-mail explaining the situation with concrete catch up plan. If Eco-generation team agrees on the situation and catch up plan, the ambassador can delay the posting schedule during the term specified on the excuse e-mail.
- If absent period is too long (more than 2 months in a row), there can be significant disadvantage in ambassador term extension.
If you have any inquiry not answered in the above application details and FAQ, please e-mail us at


  • Rafa Mohammed says :
    I have submitted the form for the ambassador program.All the best for the rest of the people who hope the same
    Posted 20-02-2019 03:20

  • Rafa Mohammed says :
    I have submitted the form for the ambassador program.All the best for the rest of the people who hope the same
    Posted 20-02-2019 03:20

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Great opportunity! All the best everyone :)
    Posted 20-02-2019 01:36

  • Rafa Mohammed says :
    Posted 19-02-2019 02:21

  • Balyejusa John Hillary says :
    Thank you for this. I am so looking forward to this opportunity to serve
    Posted 06-02-2019 19:11

  • Muskan Priya says :
    Superb opportunity! Thankyou TEG
    Posted 04-02-2019 12:16

  • Rafa Mohammed says :
    Really excited&#128513
    Posted 30-01-2019 03:57

  • Sachin Regmi says :
    Thank you for solving my query. @Ecogeneration
    Posted 24-01-2019 16:31

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Thank you Tunza!

    Thank you for bringing us wonderful experiences and chances just like this one!

    I encourage all to entre... Believe me you will gain a lot!
    Posted 23-01-2019 20:03

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Sachin, sorry, it's all relative so we can't assure you.
    Posted 23-01-2019 09:50

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Enjeck, we're selecting 60 Ambassadors in one term.
    Posted 23-01-2019 09:41

  • Enjeck Mbeh Cleopatra says :
    Is there a limit to the amount of ambassadors chosen? Or can every qualified candidate be among the rank?
    Posted 22-01-2019 14:11

  • Sachin Regmi says :
    What is the ideal point for good chance of selection ?
    Posted 22-01-2019 12:53

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you EcoGeneration. It is the golden opportunity to represent your region for Tunza EcoGeneration and rise as an Eco Leader.

    I would like to see hardworking and enthusiastic eco leaders joining the platform as Regional Ambassador of their region.

    I would like to encourage all the environmental activist to apply for this program.
    Green Cheers to All EcoGen Members and Team
    Posted 15-01-2019 10:49

  • Dibya Bhatta says :
    Thank you ecogeneration!
    Posted 14-01-2019 18:19

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