Deforestation in the Tshopo Province, Democartic Republic of Congo |
by Yoba Alenga | 19-03-2019 21:06
What is deforestation The deforestation is the phenomenon of regression of the surfaces covered with forests that¡¯s origin can be anthropic or natural. It is also the action that causes a permanent disappearance of forest. Human activities are the main cause of deforestation. This is due to the fact that these activities are considered to be more profitable in the short term than the preservation or sustainable management of forests. Historically, deforestation has been significant in Europe and North America, today it is concentrated in the tropics, especially in the Amazon, Southeast Asia and Central Africa, the Tshopo province in the Democratic Republic of Congo is not exception. The yearly rate of deforestation in the Tshopo Province varies between 0.1 and 0.3%. Causes of deforestation Forests of Tshopo are threatened by a diversity of activities, notably the extension of agricultural areas (slash and burning), excessive exploitation of forest resources, such as timber and non-woody forest products (plants, animals, fungi and others), and mining exploitation. All of these causes of deforestation are accentuated by strong demographic growth, the dependence of the poorest populations on forest resources, poor governance and an undiversified economy that depends mainly on exploitation of natural resources. Every year, the Tshopo loses hundreds of hectare of forests. Consequences of deforestation
With deforestation, many species disappear. Socio-economic studies show that the more households are poor, the more they depend on forest resources, which account for up to 80% of their incomes
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Hi Yoba,
Thank you for this concise yet detailed report about deforestation in Congo and I actually learned a lot from your report. In fact, deforestation is one major consequence of climate change and global warming, and as far as I understood, this is happening in many places around world including the Amazon rainforest. With this phenomenon keeps going, we will eventually lose lovely animals and beautiful plants. In that sense, your report is meaningful and has brought my attention. We should also be aware of the deforestation along with other climate change-related issues.
This is really great Yoba, and please keep it up!
Louis Mentor
Posted 21-03-2019 23:02
Hello Yova!
Thank you for your great report about the causes and the consequences of the deforestation. Deforestation is very important environmental issues as it can intensify the climate change. Usually, trees in forests are playing an important role in reducing the impact of natural diseases such as avalanche or floods. However, if we keep deforest due to exploitation of natural disasters, we might end up having more losses in the long run. Thank you for reminding your readers of this important issue.
Keep up the good work! I expect to read your next report soon!
Wonhee Mentor
Posted 21-03-2019 19:48
Hello Yoba
Thank you for your report about the case of deforestation in the Tshopo Province, Democartic Republic of Congo. Deforestation results into other several other problems like landslide, soil erosion and flood. We must plan two trees, if we cut one tree. Government must focus on strict implementation of rules and regulation. Trees are the best natural solution for every environmental problems and we must protect them.
Do read my blog at kushalnaharki.wordpress.com regarding gift a tree, this birthday campaign too.
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 20-03-2019 20:12