Mpumalanga Region Climate Change & Global Warming "strategic" Emissions |
by Xolani Mnisi | 19-03-2019 23:05
SUBJECT:MPUMALANGA REGION CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL WARMING ¡°STRATEGIC¡± EMISSIONS The rise in Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and fossil fuels have places the Republic of South Africa at centres stage of attention- exacerbated global warming phenomena. Attributive from toxic heavy mining processes and uneven aswel dilapidating infrastructure norms, fossil fuel and chemical burning throughout petrochemical practices, energy production and landfill waste management performances persist hiking toll for a pollution and climate change-influenced environment. It is an evident factor of reality through which could be eloquently understood by the pollution and disruptive unnatural causes posed within the atmosphere, water and land source spheres consisting. In Mpumalanga region, mining, specifically coal mining is the main and exact reason of cause. Intolerable and non- relative environmental friendly mining activities and practices whilst constituting open cast and closed mining operations are found to being norm over the past whereby various extraction and processing mechanisms deployed are contributory norms to climate change: use of toxic and peril chemicals and mechanisms which result to being emissions into the atmospheric spheres. Another factor constitute of the non-conservational and sustainability adherence. The soil reserve resources prior and during farming practices is not attended accordingly: without eco-friendly and sustainability methods. Both commercial and subsistence farming practices arising from livestock ranching are left to over graze unregulated. Genetically modification chemical elements have been serving of harsh nature condition posing extensive threat and negatively harming beneath soil structures and levels during and throughout farming activities. These often result being expelled into water and atmospheric environments-a climate change and global warming attribute unto the heat expelled. In a diagnostic understanding attempt, it finds to serve the position to understand that community residents/inhabitants burning hard non-degradable toxic materials such as plastics, cloth, paper and aluminium tin which expels pollutant materials chemicals into the atmosphere. Such is plethora waste fossil fuel waste material burnt at the backyards of households and industrial firm¡¯s intra residential and industrial areas. Many causes are of the unequal and unbalanced access to service delivery to residential areas, especially those unplanned and unregulated squatter camps and rural areas existing in far-reachable places. The local governments concerned have pledged sense to understand such and acquire systematic approaches and process to ban fossil fuel and greenhouse gas emission burnings. It has come to light that the betterment panacea to eliminate such is to establish an environment economy whereby stringent climate tolerable means and measures could be performed. The following were 3(three) strategic forms: ¨ª Draft a District Inter municipality proficient and sustainable Service Delivery Plan and environment model incorporated intra the Integrated Development Plan (IDP¡¯s). ¨ª Formulate and assign environmental regulatory charter channel. ¨ª Create a governance and public policy participation framework. Such strides eventually brought forward the plans to initiate and bolster environment security: placing big white refuse-loading waste bins and ¡°No-Dumping¡± signs at open fields. The advocacy for green and recycling parks are part of plans set-off to be included and be established over the long-run. Other means brought is the establishment and expansion of the Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP) and Community Works Program (CWP) tasked both with the aims to clean and ensure environmental nature hygiene in order to achieve a lessened global warming and climate friendly environment objective. Although it is understandable that South Africa¡¯s main energy production source is coal: it has kept to the COP and other climate-related agreements and already have pledged upon the migration to renewable energy sources such as hydro and wind through its Independent Private Produce Program (IPPP) with trade and National energy (Department of Energy [DoE]) partnership cooperation set off as alternative energy source. However with a high population dimension and unregulated foreigner base, the demand for energy increased than conservation sets of saving-resulting slow energy migration pace. Farm practices have also been engaged by to become environmental sustainable so that the biodiversity and natural life cycle ecosystem are continuously and proactively adopted in practice. Mining firms within the private sector, too have resorted to the use of environmental friendly extraction and processing methods. The Department of Mineral Resources(DMR) and Council for GeoScience(CGS) and Department of Science and Technology have established a cohesive consultative engagement forum to share and exchange best approachable and knowledgeable practical steps and innovation of The 4th Industrial Revolution. Government(public), private sectors have all will to promote the promotion and justice to environmental goodwill tolerance, relevance liberty, unity, fraternity and progressive diversity.
Hi Xolani,
Your title seems interesting and I am really impressed with your content which is Mpumalanga Region Climate Change and Global Warming strategic Emissions. However, one thing that I would like to suggest after reading your report is please make sure your report is easy to read. Because there is not paragraphs, it was difficult for me to read your report and with paragraphs, I strongly believe that your report will gain more readers!
Despite the readability, I love your report and I cannot wait to read the next one.
Louis Mentor
Posted 21-03-2019 23:06
Hello Xolani
Thank you for the beautiful and detailed report. I am really impressed with your report and Mpumalanga Region Climate Change & Global Warming 'strategic' Emissions. With reading different reports from fellow ambassadors, climate change issue seems to impact every nation more or less. We all must focus on adaptation and mitigation measures of climate change.
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 20-03-2019 20:18