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Extinction Of Different Species

by Ayazhan Salmenova | 06-02-2019 00:10 recommendations 0

The habitats and inhabitants of Kazakhstan are quite diverse and interesting, I won't be able to list them all in one post, so I will probably make a continuation or a part 2.

Red Wolf

Habitats: rocky and forest areas in the alpine, subalpine and forest belts of the mountains.

Population: everywhere is very rare. Somewhat more often met at the beginning of the 20th century. Over the past 40 years, no reliable meeting of this animal was recorded in the republic. Now, obviously, you can only talk about red wolf from Kazakhstan.

Biology: widely roams, known approaches to the distance of 180-600 km from the main habitats. Characteristic migrations. Activity, apparently, around the clock. Pregnancy lasts 62-64 days. In litter 3-9 cubs. Monogamous. Sexual maturity reaches 1-2 years. The main prey is a mountain goat, argali, roe deer, wild boar, maral, less often domestic sheep. Outside the breeding season, red wolves keep in packs of 5-10, less often - up to 30 or more animals. Enemies are wolfs and snow leopards.

Snow Leopard

Habitats: rocky, rugged and overgrown with shrubs, mainly in the subalpine and alpine belts of the mountains.

Population: in the last century, it was common in the Tien Shan, in the Dzungarian Alatau, and rare in Tarbagatay, Saur, Southern Altai . In the 50-60 years since the intensive development of mountain areas by man, the number of snow leopards everywhere began to decrease. In the 70's and 80's in the reserve Aksu-Jabagly and the adjacent tracts of the Talas Ala Tau and Ugam Ridge were the only isolated encounters of animals or trails In Zailiysky Alatau, the leopard is now common on the territory of the Alma-Ata reserve and rare in other tracts. Only one encounter was recorded.

Biology: lives sedentary, the habitat area is large, movements within it are caused by the presence of food. Active in twilight and night hours, occasionally - during the day, the pregnancy lasts 98-103 days. In litter 1-5, usually 2-3 cubs. The female gives birth once every 2 years; sexual maturity occurs at the age of two. The main prey is mountain goats, argali: as well as roe deer, wild boar, red deer, marmots, hares, snowcock, and kekliks. The enemy can sometimes be a wolf.

Turkmen gazelle

Habitats: hardened hilly sands, gravelly and clayey deserts, crossed by dry riverbeds, covered with thickets of Saksaul, Zhuzgun, Boyalych, Tereskene, or open gravelly spaces with saxaulchikovykh or Tasbiyurgunovym pastures. Occurs in low dry mountains and on gently sloping areas of chinks. The main requirement for habitats - the presence of water, minimum snow cover in winter and good protective properties of the area.

Population: number in the mid-1930s, there were about 200 thousand gazelles in Kazakhstan, and up to 100 thousand heads were in Ustyurt and Mangyshlak. Increased poaching led to the fact that by the end of the 70s less than 10 thousand gazelles remain in the republic. At present, 30-50 thousand gazelles inhabit Kazakhstan, of which 20-25 thousand live in the territory of Mangystau Oblast.

Biology: Lead a semi-settled way of life, undertakes limited, but regular seasonal migrations. The species composition of plants consumed in food depends on the region of habitat and changes during the year. The significant death of gazelles from helminth infections was not recorded. The main enemy is the wolf, as well as the shepherds Aki, foxes, jackals, spotted and reed cats, large birds of prey are dangerous for young animals.

GazelleSnow Leopard Red Wolf

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  • Dormant user Ayazhan Salmenova
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  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Ayazhan, I did not know gazelles and snow leopards do live in Kazakhstan :)
    Afraid to know drastic decrease in their population number, but still do hope they can get saved for biodiversity in your nation!
    Thanks for your report
    Posted 10-02-2019 23:50

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Ayazhan Salmenova, Namaste
    I hope you are good
    Many animal species are in endangered these days due to climate change and habitat destruction,
    Thank you for highlighting about thses creatures.
    Keep writing :)
    Posted 06-02-2019 21:52

  • Bwalya Bwalya says :
    thank you for the wonderful descriptions.
    Posted 06-02-2019 18:38

  • Israel Adeoye says :

    Thanks for the explanations on those animals. I can say Red Wolf and Snow Leopard, looking at the description of their habitats, may be found in the same area.

    Thanks for educating us.
    Posted 06-02-2019 14:50

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you for your report @Ayazan about the details explanation of Redwolf. Many animals are endangered and vulnerable due to poaching and illigical killing of animals. All those animals must be protected. I do hope that you submitted the endangered and vulnerable wildlives of Kazakhstan during the Our Nighborhood's Biodiversity Map too.

    As you mentioned you will be writing a next report on it too.
    I am eager to read that and know more about wildlives there.
    Keep writing great reports and do leave feedbacks in other ambassadors reports too,
    Green Cheers :)
    Best Wishes from Nepal

    Kushal Naharki
    Posted 06-02-2019 02:32

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