Climate Change from Air Travel |
by Neha Swaminathan | 22-01-2019 03:55
I have read that Air travel is one of the most carbon negative activities adding to global warming. Many countries including India see a spurt in air travel. So it is essential that more and more airports achieve Airport Carbon Accreditation. This program recognizes and accredits the efforts of airports to manage and reduce their carbon emissions. There are four levels of certification: Mapping, Reduction, Optimization & Neutrality.
Airport Carbon Accreditation is an independent programme administered by WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, an international consultancy appointed by ACI EUROPE to enforce the accreditation criteria for airports on an annual basis. The administration of the programme is overseen by an Advisory Board.
In November 2011, Airport Carbon Accreditation was extended to Asia-Pacific, in cooperation with ACI Asia-Pacific. In June 2013, the programme was extended to Africa in cooperation with ACI Africa.
Airport Carbon Accreditation took off in North America and in November 2014 the programme went global with its extension to airports in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Mapping: The Mapping step of Airport Carbon Accreditation requires carbon footprint measurement. To achieve this level of accreditation, an airport has to determine its operational boundary and the emissions sources within that as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, calculate the annual carbon emissions for the previous year for those sources, compile a carbon footprint report and get it verified by an auditor. Reduction: The Reduction step requires carbon management and progress towards a reduced carbon footprint. To achieve this level of accreditation, an airport has to set carbon emission control targets and prove that a reduction in the carbon footprint has occurred in consecutive years. The airport has to show a low carbon/low energy policy, appoint a senior committee for climate change/ carbon/ energy matters, monitor consumption of fuel & energy, undertakes awareness training about emissions for staff and reach set targets.
Optimization: The Optimization step of Airport Carbon Accreditation requires third party engagement in carbon footprint reduction. Third parties include airlines and various service providers, for example, independent ground handlers, catering companies, air traffic control and others working on the airport site. It also involves engagement on surface access modes (road, rail) with authorities and users. Scope 3 emissions to be measured include, landing and take-off cycle emissions, surface access to the airport for passengers and staff, staff business travel emissions Neutrality: The Neutrality step of Airport Carbon Accreditation requires neutralizing remaining direct carbon emissions by offsetting. Carbon neutrality is when the net carbon dioxide emissions over an entire year is zero (i.e. the airport absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide as it produces). Achieving carbon neutrality for an airport is in almost all cases impossible without external help. For this reason, airports, among many other industries, look to carbon offsetting as the final part of the solution. Carbon offsetting is providing funds or resources to other projects that reduce carbon dioxide so as to make up for the emissions that one is not able to eliminate. |
Thank you for informing about Airport Carbon Accreditation,
Yes air bus also emits lots of carbon and aiding in climate change
Thank you for your report :)
Posted 28-01-2019 21:48
Hello Neha, I was also wondering that air travel is truly responsible for tons of greenhouse gases and other air pollution but cost looked so cheap ad it did not think about pollutant emission on its way. Just like 4 steps you said in your report, we can consider how we can reduce greenhouse gases on our flight and change the old emission habits we did not think about so far.
Thanks for letting us consider some better ways of living thorughout our daily living and travel!
Posted 26-01-2019 19:18
Hello Neha
When we talk about transportation caused pollution, we usually come up with those devices that travel on earth, such as vehicles, train, bus etc. However, Air born travels aren't really the first thing to come into mind when carbon emission problem is addressed.
Thanks for analyzing the matter in precise steps and to bring more awareness to this problem!
Thanks for the reprot!
Posted 26-01-2019 16:49
Hi Neha!
I tsut you are well!
This is the very first time I have come to know that terms Airport Carbon Accreditation. This is by far a strategic policy in keeping an eye on air travel carbon Admission into the atmosphere. More importantly, I like that fact that this has become an international set standard that all air travel companies should strive to achieve.
Though Neutrality is near to impossible, it is imperitive to take not that the air companies cannot achieve this alone. Thus they will need assistance in all the steps. Just as air travel companies need help from third party companies, so too do we need aid from people around us. With unity, so much can be done to combat air pollution.
Thank you for this highly informative report Neha! You truely made me learn something new today!
Yours sincerely!
Rosa Domingos
Posted 24-01-2019 18:07
Thank you for addressing an unique topic, this must be bought for youth discussion !!
Posted 23-01-2019 12:15
Thank you for your report Neha.
You always bring a new topic and i really love to read your reports.
Nepal having geographically variation, many places have only access to air medium of transportation in hilly and mountain region. Air transportation also being the cause of climate change and global warming Airport Carbon Accreditation is required.
Although it won't be as easier as developed countries for our developing countries like ours but indeed it is the ask of current time.
I am eagerly waiting for your next report.
Wishing you all the best from your fellow ambassador from Nepal Neha
Green Cheers
Posted 22-01-2019 22:01
Hello Neha! Thank you for highlighting such an important issue in your report. As you rightly observed: the airport has to show a low carbon/low energy policy, appoint a senior committee for climate change/ carbon/ energy matters, monitor consumption of fuel & energy, undertakes awareness training about emissions for staff and reach set targets.
But the question remains: how exactly can airports be encouraged to implement such policies?
Posted 22-01-2019 20:55