by Israel Adeoye | 05-01-2019 23:43
It is a new year with new opportunities and as I have personally encouraged people in my season greetings and new year wishes to be more eco-friendly this year, so I am also making preparations to make moves towards ensuring proper environmental protection and educating the public on climate change in my community. My first environmental campaign plan this year is to conduct a school-awareness program with the junior high school students in one the targeted schools in my locality. Before the end of last year, I have made contact with the principal and the members of the school management for permission. The principal agreed and suggested that the program be conducted next year (i.e year 2019). For the program, the whole junior high school of class 3 would be my targeted audience. The reason is because as that academic stage, they have more intellectual ability to comprehend the purpose of the program and be able to put what they would learn in to practice. The theme of the program would be ¡°ME AND MY ENVIRONMENT¡±. In this program the targeted students would be exposed to the different components that make up an environment – Water, Soil, Air, Plants, and Climate. They would be well lectured on the importance of these various components that make up our environment. After, the different environmental pollution and problems that are common to our country and the state would be discussed. The participants would be exposed to some environmental pollution that they also engage in or can be easily seen in their immediate environment. Another thematic area of the program is the sensitization on the responsibility of individuals in ensuring proper use of environment. Here, the young-minds would be taught to the different roles they can play in making their environment clean and tidy. They would be exposed to different environmental practices that can be adopted daily at home, school or anywhere they find themselves. Also, various existing environmental rules and regulations that should govern activities in the country which the students are possibly unaware about would be discussed. They would also be guided on how they can carefully obey those rules and regulations. After, the lecture, there would be a short exercises and practical classes. One of the proposed activities is that the students would be grouped into a number corresponding to the number of environment components we would deal with. Then there would be a representative that would defend for each group. Each representative would tell the whole class the different ways we can protect the component (e.g. water) for his group. An environmental and sanitation club is also planned to be established. Lastly, there would be time for question and answers from the audience and general input. This is the time students and other persons around would be given time to express their minds on any area the program as covered or as touching our environment. Also, teachers and officials around may be given the opportunity to make some inputs. The promotional goods would be shared to all the students and participants of the program. Since it would be a large audience, each participant may not be able to have more than one item. Thereafter, a group photograph and other pictures would be taken. I hope to see this event successful. https://www.google.com/search?q=ci_616833851.jpg&client=ms-android-transsion-tecno-rev1&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0qN-9ktboAhWbQxUIHVkeD8AQ_AUoAXoECAMQAQ&biw=320&bih=512&dpr=1.5#imgrc=Rb3fkpf3jGuAsM |
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Greeting israel
I hope you are doing well
Nicely written
Thank you so much for this report.
Keep writing
Green cheers!
Posted 23-03-2020 11:13
Greeting israel
I hope you are doing well!
Thank you so much for this report!
Keep writing
Green cheers
Posted 22-03-2020 11:17
Hello israel
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
Posted 29-02-2020 21:27
Hello israel
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
Posted 29-02-2020 21:26
Hello Israel
It seems that you've just suggested a good guideline of how we could actually plan our campaigns!
Best wishes on the program :)
Thanks for sharing!
Posted 11-01-2019 16:29
Hey Israel!
Your report has sparked a big light of amazement, I really like your idea and what you set out I like the theme that you've planned and I like the grade choice that you have decided to teach.
And I also come and the practical side of your campaigne where you will allow the learners to be grouped and represent an entity because that reminds me of how the UN cordinates they youth model United Nations conference.
I wish you all the best with your campaign and I cannot wait to read up on your outcomes post.
Lovely record writing and thank you very much!
Yours sincerely
Posted 08-01-2019 03:18
Thanks Deepak.Hope you've been good too? I appreciate
Posted 07-01-2019 15:35
Hello Israel Adeoye, Namaste
Hope you are fine, fit and happy there
I want to wish you great success of your program, Hope you will do very good program and i know you will,
If you need any help i am ready for you,
Keep working hard, keep motivating other
'Together We Can'
Posted 07-01-2019 02:05
Thanks Kushal. That sound very supporting. I surely contact you Incase the need arises.
Posted 06-01-2019 07:38
Wishing you all the best for your program.
My Sustainable Environment Campaign was also a school campaign but it was targeted to the children of grade 8,9 and 10. If you need any help during your campaign, don't hesitate to request for the help. You can also find the video of my program in the youtube, it can turnout be helpful for you.
Keep up with your great work. Hope to see great reports from you.
Hope to see you conducting many more such great programs in coming days.
Wishing you happy and prosperous year 2019
Green cheers from the land of himalayas :) :)
Posted 06-01-2019 00:20