Awareness of Plastic pollution & management in my school |
by Deepak Subedi | 12-11-2018 23:30
Hello Namaste, Ann ye Yong Plastic Pollution is always topic of interest for me. Today 11/12/2018, I conducted awareness program of ¡°PLASTIC POLLUTION & MANAGEMENT¡± and introduction of Tunza Eco-generation in Valmiki Shiksha Sadan, from where I completed my school levels. At first I presented about Tunza Eco-generation and activities and opportunities associated with it. Around 100 selective students from class 6,7,8,9 and 10 were participated in the awareness program. I prepared PowerPoint slide covering following topics. • Introduction • Composition & Synthesis • Types of Plastic & Their Uses • Disadvantages • Statistics • Impact on Environment • Plastic Waste Management • Measures To Be Taken • Conclusion Side contains more figures and diagram that clearly explain what plastic pollution is and how it is damaging nature, animals and biodiversity. I conducted question answer session and speech session. I asked different question from slides to them, student who raise hand and give correct answer were awarded with Tunza s¡¯ Pen, Pencil and sticky note. In speech session, interested students delivered their understanding after presentation. Around 20 students were awarded and 5 students were given opportunity to give their speech. Most of the students were convinced to stop haphazard plastic pollution. They understand the disadvantage of plastic and how they can contribute in plastic waste management. I want to thanks Er Sunil Subedi who helped me during the program and also Khem sir, Prakash sir and Hari sir of Valmiki Shiksha Sadan. Thank You. |
Greetings Deepak
I hope you are doing well!
Thank you so much for this report!
Keep writing
Green cheers
Posted 22-03-2020 11:09
Greetings deepak
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
I hope to read more from you.
Keep up with great works
Green cheers
Posted 16-03-2020 04:06
Hello Anita,
yes awareness is the greatest tool to protect environment. Thank your for your comments.
Posted 17-11-2018 23:45
Awarness is the greatest tool to protect the environment. Thank you for doing such amazing progrm. And congrulations.
Posted 17-11-2018 19:00
HELLO, John Ho Mentor , Namaste , An-nyeong
Thank you for correction of Korean hello
Thnak You so much for you beautiful comments, yes children are clay, we have to give shape to them tto make a good and responsible citizen. This program make them curious about plastic pollution, they know how plastic is damaging the world. Hope they will apply what they learn.
Posted 16-11-2018 18:59
Hello Deepak, what a nice program for our next generation kids!
(* And is this An-nyeong? -> 'Ann ye Yong'.)
Children at early age but going to school learn a lot from their classes, and learn more when they get synergy effects from their classmates.
Many of existent environmental problems are transnational problems or chronic domestic problems in individual countries. Once they get to know more about it and discuss about such issues with their classmates, it will be really efficient!
Thanks for introducing TUNZA E-gen and providing a good class to kids :)
Posted 16-11-2018 13:32
Hello Israel, Namaste
Awareness is a very important tool in conservation.
Thank you for your comments.
Posted 15-11-2018 12:21
Hi Deepak,
Good job you have really down. Public awareness is the key. Thanks for the report.
Posted 15-11-2018 05:25
Hello Gyeongrin Mentor, Namaste
Thank your for your comments
5 students from the mass speak about what they learned and how was the program. Yes they inspire other students too. One girl among them was really brilliant. Again thank You soo much for your word. Already i have conducted Junk Art Competition on theme Beat Plastic Pollution today, among these 100 students. 40 students participated in the Program.
Posted 15-11-2018 02:16
Hello Deepak, nice program!
The idea of making time for the students to actually have their opportunity to speak out what they have learned and felt throughout the course is really great. By doing so, they must have inspired both other students and themselves about what the environment means to us and what we should do to protect it.
Congratulation for the successful event and thanks for sharing :)
Posted 14-11-2018 23:48
Thank you Kushal, i tried my best to conduct this program.
Posted 13-11-2018 17:31
Congratulations!!! Great event bro :) :)
Posted 13-11-2018 14:53