Renewable energy Sources |
by Hassan Nasir | 31-10-2018 05:51
Renewable sources of energy are linked with nature .We extract renewable energy from natural sources like sun, ocean, winds etc.It would be reasonable to say that renewable energy are exploited from natural resources thus there is excess of renewable sources and it does not get exhaustible however it is we human beings who can make the efficient use of the renewable energy. There are mainly 10 renewable energy sources which are given below 1. Nuclear energy It is extracted from atomic nuclei. To extract nuclear energy process of nuclear fission takes place. A utility reactor produces steam which is turned into mechanical works which then generates electricity 2. Solar energy It is given to us by a sunlight though it is ample in quantity yet it is expensive to produce energy through sunlight as installation of solar panel is quiet expensive and for households the cost of installing solar panel is too high however for industries it is not much expensive since they many big industrial units. 3. CNG CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas. It is an alternative for diesel, gasoline and propane gas. It is cleaner in nature but still it releases greenhouse gases. 4. Hydro electricity It is a popular renewable source of energy. It is generated through gravitational force of a falling water and is widely used across the globe .It has few detrimental consequences as well like it causes loss to biodiversity of marine life. 5. Radiant energy Cost of ordinary electricity can be saved by radiant energy.Tesla was the first one who use radiant energy in the formation of telephone. It has a same functioning like electricity but its behavior is change from electricity. 6. Geothermal energy As the name suggests Geothermal energy is basically generated from the heat of the earth. It is sustainable in nature. Its range is from the shallow ground to hot water. 7. Wind energy Wind energy is generated through wind turbine. Main application of wind power today is production of electricity.Moreover, history has also proven that wind power also used in the sailing of ships. 8. Tidal energy Tidal energy is not widely acclaimed source. However it has great potential to become in future. There are two ways of generating tidal energy which are tidal stream generators and barrage generation. This source of energy is extracted from earth-moon system. 9. Biogas Biogas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphite.It is produced through the waste of plants and animal.Furthermore, it is a low cost fuel. 10. Biomass It is basically the energy from organic matter. Wood is also today the largest biomass resource today. Apart from wood we have plants, residues of agriculture to generate biomass.
Hello Hassan, classifying and defining specific energy sources are basic but important task for all of us to get adopted for the upcoming energy shortage crisis in near future : lack of fossil fuel and climate change risk.
Thanks for your report!
Posted 03-11-2018 17:35
Hello Hassan
Renewable energy resources is in need for the transition to a greener society.
Thanks for listing 10 reneable resources that could carry our future!
Thanks for the report :)
Posted 02-11-2018 13:31
Thank you guys for leaving warm feedbacks.
Yes we more inclined towards solar energy.
@Rosa it's my duty to share insights on environment :)
Posted 02-11-2018 03:30
There are so many types of renewable energy, that can change the world, but most people don't even know about them. That's why talking about them and spreading information about them is important
Posted 31-10-2018 22:33
Hey Hassan!
We tend to give major importance to solar energy that we tend not to see that other effective renewable energy sources out there. Thank you so much or enlightening us with this!
Posted 31-10-2018 16:34