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Why are our winters getting colder?

by Jeewon Shin | 31-10-2018 00:29 recommendations 0

(photo = http://www.koenergy.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=83674)


Global warming is happening around the world. Then, isn¡¯t all of our four seasons supposed to get warmer? In Korea, summers have been getting extremely hotter. However, winters are getting colder than before. The average temperature in winter is falling year by year. It is getting so cold that some people are saying that autumn has disappeared and we are experiencing winter right after summer. Why is this happening? Would global warming not really mean getting warmed up? Would global warming stop in the winter?

(photo = http://www.edaily.co.kr/?aspxerrorpath=/news/read)


First of all, we cannot tell how our climate would be by a certain day, season, or weather. Our climate has to be analyzed in a larger scale and then an average temperature can be calculated to see if the Earth is getting warmer or colder. This needs to be done after a certain event has happened continuously for over 30 years.

The question we need to ask is not ¡®is ice age starting?¡¯, but ¡®does global warming also cause colder weather?¡¯ The answer for now is ¡®yes¡¯, though scientific research are still in progress. We all know that global warming causes climate change, which causes harsher and much extremer weather. Climate change also works for winter.  It causes heavier snow or colder winter.

The Earth synchronizes with everything it consists of; water, air, currents of the ocean, and more. In other words, they are all connected to each other. Even though they are far apart, the Arctic and the Polar are connected. If one of them melts, the other freezes. They interact with each other in order to form stability in the Earth¡¯s climate. It helps the Earth not to get too hot but not get too cold and remain in balance.

However, global warming is in the way of this interaction. It makes sudden changes to the environment that cannot be fixed. The Earth¡¯s atmosphere works like a tug-of-war between the Arctic and the Polar. If there¡¯s a change in one side, there is bound to have a change on the other side, too. This weather relationship is called teleconnections. The atmosphere is the one which is in control of the weathers. When atmospheric patterns shift, the temperature changes rapidly.

Scientists are still working on teleconnections as this has been happening recently. Meanwhile, they have researched about how the Arctic shift weather affects other living creatures such as plants. Colder winter and spring lead to biological stress even though the weather gets extremely warmer afterwards. Our crops produce less food and if this phenomenon continues on, the situation will get worse. Overpopulation is happening and yet we are expecting to have less food, which means the price of crops being imported will rise and cause economic damage to many countries and eventually the world economy. What is even worse is that plants are the creatures that absorb carbon dioxide. If they dry out because of cold winters, the Arctic gets more warmed up. The cycle will continue and will be out of control.


It might sound ironic that getting warmer also means getting colder. However, this is the truth and a challenge that we need to face. We have messed with the climate and now we have to pay the bill. We have led the human survival in danger by taking action in timely manners. It is still not too late to emit less carbon dioxide. We must act now.


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  • Dormant user Jeewon Shin
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  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Jeewon, about 20 years ago, it snowed in April, and kids wore winter coats in the middle of October. It was truly an awkward weather case, but now it has become a bit more natural to be in our world today. Drastic changes in climate and weather can happen as they get affected by complex elements from the nature as you had mentioned in your report already. But as these weird symptoms appear more often, it tells us 'something' is going wrong with the system that our world has been adapted for a long time : climate change, global warming and other catastrophic effect-causing phenomena.
    But still, we have to see and wait for the research data from scientists and also we have to keep ourselves awake about climate change and our consumption patterns in our daily living too.
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 03-11-2018 17:11

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Jeewon
    Today is the last day of October and it was really freezing cold. October wasn't this cold a year or two before. Weather is getting extreme and this is well shown in the change in consumption patterns. Clothes are now more focused in winter and summer, and air conditioner and heater are being sold more than ever. If this fast rated change continues, we might face a climate that no being could even adjust to. Hope there could be a turning point in this issue!
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 31-10-2018 23:59

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi jeewon.

    I think you are getting to something but in order for scientists to know that the Earth is indeed getting warmer, they had to starting to track the change in weather for many years. The mid-1960s through the 1970s predicted that warming, not cooling, was in our future.

    Scientists have clarified the starting point for human-caused climate change to be actually the early 1800s when green house gasses started getting released into the atmosphere. Climate change is not about the warming of the Earth only, We get droughts in part of the Earth snf Floods in the other part of the world, drastic climate change bring about drastic disasters, thus we have longer, colder winters and and hotter summers.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you for reporting Jeewon!
    Posted 31-10-2018 16:49

  • Hassan Nasir says :
    Great report dear
    You are right when winter gets colder than summer also gets warmer and if the extreme pattern of weather continues than it is highly likely that global warming is the main root cause for this phenomenon and hence progressive steps must be taken at an appropriate time in well executed manner
    Posted 31-10-2018 04:55

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