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Celebration of world Rabies day 2018

by Deepak Subedi | 02-10-2018 00:49 recommendations 0

Rabies is a deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals. Therabies virus is usually transmitted through a bite. Animals most likely to transmitrabies in the  bats, coyotes, foxes, raccoons and skunks.
Following are symptoms of rabies in Dog






Jaw is dropped

Inability to swallow

Change in tone of bark

Muscular lack of coordination

Unusual shyness or aggression

Excessive excitability

Constant irritability/changes in attitude and behavior

Paralysis in the mandible and larynx

Excessive salivation (hypersalivation), or frothy saliva

From the point where the rabies virus entered the body, the virus moves towards the brain along the nerves. A person may show the first signs of rabies an average of 1 to 3 months after the virus enters the body. In humans, the first symptoms of the disease are non-specific and resemble other viral infections. They include:

pain or tingling at the bite site

a general feeling of illness



nausea and vomiting


As the virus begins to multiply in the spinal cord or brain, neurological symptoms that appear include:

As the virus begins to multiply in the spinal cord or brain, neurological symptoms that appear include:



excessive saliva production


high level of excitement


paralysis of lower legs

problems swallowing due to painful throat and voice box spasms

hydrophobia (fear at the sight of water despite an intense thirst)

To stop rabies and create awareness about rabies , September 28 is celebrated as rabies Day.
With this motto CVSA Nepal and One health nepal with the help of Leo club of bharatpur Chautari Oragnized Awareness program inn3 different schools, awarness ralley and vaccination on Street dogs.
It help to protect the transmission of rabies from animals to human via environment.

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  • Dormant user Deepak Subedi
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  • Hema Sapkota says :
    Greetings Deepak
    I hope you are doing well!
    Thank you so much for this report!
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Posted 22-03-2020 11:07

  • Basanta Adhikari says :
    Greetings deepak
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report.
    I hope to read more from you.
    Keep up with great works
    Green cheers
    Posted 16-03-2020 04:03

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    it is very important day, rabies is a serious problem, so it is celebrated all over the world to make zero rabies to human being, thank you for reading my article @
    Joon Ho Mentor
    Posted 11-10-2018 02:34

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Deepak, I never knew that there was such a day internationally :)
    Good to learn about it, and hope you and your co-workers be safe during the test for rabies.
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 05-10-2018 23:08

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    thank you soo much @gyeongrin for your valuable words
    Posted 02-10-2018 21:59

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    thank you sooo much @rosa i will try my best to make our earth more healthy
    Posted 02-10-2018 21:58

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Deepak!
    This work for the World Rabies day is really admirable!
    So much prevention must have been done thgrough this activity!
    Thanks a lot :)
    Posted 02-10-2018 16:10

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Deepak!

    Wow, I am so inspired by the active work you put in on World Rabies Day. Thank you for the hard work and thank you so much for sharing such meaningful information with all of us and the world!

    Hats off to you Deepak!
    Posted 02-10-2018 15:20

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Thank you @bonface and elizaveta
    Posted 02-10-2018 12:56

  • BONFACE OBUBA says :
    Quite an insightful report. Thanks for raising awareness of Rabies
    Posted 02-10-2018 01:35

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