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[February Thematic Report] Barriers To Effective Environmental Action

by Emmanuel Joster Ssenjovu | 22-02-2024 17:24 recommendations 0

Barriers To Effective Environmental Action

Feb Thematic Report 1,
Emmanuel Joster Ssenjovu

Environmental action is crucial for addressing the pressing ecological challenges facing our planet today. It can go as far as creating environmental awareness, making policies, designing disruptive solutions and much more. Effective environmental action means that everyone, all-together is doing his best to protect the environment. ¡°The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.¡± -Lady Bird Johnson. Therefore, it is our collective responsibility to safeguard it.

However, achieving widespread action  is often
confronted by various obstacles. Understanding and overcoming these obstacles is essential for promoting meaningful action towards environmental sustainability:

  1. Limited knowledge about the environment: Many people lack awareness of the environmental issues facing the planet because of limited education on the subject. They barely understand the environmental impact of their actions, and therefore fail to act sustainably. Interpreting environmental concerns for them becomes challenging.

  2. Misinformation: For instance, misinformation involves deceptive or misleading content that undermines the existence, drivers and impacts of climate change as well as the need for urgent climate action. There is often conflicting information about environmental issues which leads to confusion and skepticism among the public.

  3. Cultural and Language Barriers: In multicultural societies, different cultural perspectives and languages hinder effective understanding and communicating environmental issues. Other cultural barriers including ethnocentrism, stereotyping, psychological, and conflicting values.

  4. Short-term Thinking: Short-term thinking, sometimes called short-termism limits the representation of future generations in today's decision making. At some point, policy makers and individuals prioritize short-term benefits over long-term environmental sustainability, leading to behaviors that are harmful to the environment.

  5. Economic Factors: Economic considerations, such as the perceived cost of environmentally friendly products or practices, deters individuals and businesses from adopting more sustainable behaviors. Inadequate financing hinders environmental responsibility in the global south.

  1. Political Factors: Politics and society largely dictate environmental policy ambitions. But in many cases, environmental issues are often politicized, which leads to partisan divides and hinder collective progress on addressing environmental challenges the world is facing today.

  2. Technological Limitations: Technology is crucial in addressing environmental problems by providing innovative solutions to mitigate environmental impact, improving resource management and access to information. technologically underdeveloped regions, access to information and solutions is limited hence addressing issues becomes almost impossible.

  3. Information Overload: In today's digital age, people are bombarded with information from various sources, making it challenging for environmental messages to cut through the noise and resonate with the public. The call to environmental action normally goes unheard.

Addressing these barriers requires a multi-faceted approach that includes education, communication, policy changes, and technological advancements to promote greater awareness and action on environmental issues.


1. Linkedln, https://www.linkedin.com/advice/3/how-does-education-influence-environmental-awareness

2. Earth Journalism Network, https://earthjournalism.net/projects/studying-climate-misinformation-in-east-africa-and-mena

3. The New Climate, https://medium.com/the-new-climate/why-short-term-thinking-is-holding-back-climate-action-50e660fc2de5

4. Kat Kerlin, UC Davis, https://www.ucdavis.edu/climate/news/how-politics-society-and-tech-shape-path-climate-change

5. Arjeet, https://qr.ae/ps8isX


Emmanuel Joster Ssenjovu

  • Uganda Former E-gen Ambassador Emmanuel Joster Ssenjovu
  • recommend


Emmanuel Joster  Ssenjovu

SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Great report with appropriate references. Your analysis of barriers to environmental action is thorough and insightful. Keep advocating for solutions to overcome these obstacles and promote sustainability! Great job Emmanuel :)
    Posted 06-03-2024 03:43

Emmanuel Joster  Ssenjovu

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    I agree that cultural, and language barriers deter effective understanding.
    That is why it is all the more important for different countries to work together!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 23-02-2024 01:02

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