(Thematic Report) Processing Organic Wastes Through Earthworms: Vermicomposting |
by ALOK DHAKAL | 19-10-2021 14:51
27th Ambassadorship, Month 2, Report 2 Thematic Report: October Theme: Eco-Friendly Waste Management Title: Processing Organic Wastes Through Earthworms: Vermicomposting Kitchen scraps and other green trash are turned into a rich, dark soil that smells like earth and feels like magic by vermicomposting, often known as worm composting. It's a kind of super compost made almost entirely of worm castings. It's not only high in nutrients, but it's also high in microbes that help to build and maintain good soil. Vermicompost supplies nutrients to the soil, improves the soil structure, and boosts the soil's ability to keep nutrients in a plant-available form. Aeration and internal drainage of thick clay soils are also improved. In addition to this it enhances the ability of sandy soils to hold water and provides a diverse range of helpful bacteria. Organic wastes like Straw, husk, leaves, stalks, weeds, and other organic leftovers can all be transformed into vermicompost. Livestock wastes, poultry litter, dairy wastes, food processing wastes, organic fraction of MSW, bagasse, digestate from biogas plants, and other wastes could be used to make vermicompost. These are made by using earthworms, they eat organic trash and reduce it by 40–60% in volume. Lets see on types of these earthworms. Earthworms are split into two categories: burrowing and non-burrowing. There are about 3600 different varieties of earthworms. Red earthworms, such as Eisenia foetida, are the most efficient composters. Non-burrowing earthworms eat 10% soil and 90% organic waste materials, and they transform organic waste into vermicompost more quickly than burrowing earthworms. They can withstand temperatures of 0 to 40¡ÆC, but their regeneration capability is higher between 25 to 30¡ÆC and a moisture content of 40–45% in the pile. Raw Materials Required for vermicomposting are Water, Cow dung, Thatch Roof, Soil or Sand, Gunny bags, Earthworms, weed biomass, A large bin (plastic or cemented tank), Dry straw and leaves collected from paddy fields, Biodegradable wastes collected from fields and kitchen. Let¡¯s see on the process to make vermicompost a. Collect the biomass and dry it for 8 to 12 days in the sun. Using the cutter, chop it to the desired size. b. Prepare a slurry of cow dung and sprinkle it on the heap to speed up decomposition. c. At the bottom of the tank, add a layer of dirt or sand (2–3 inch). d. Now add partially decomposed cow manure, dried leaves, and other biodegradable wastes collected from the fields and kitchen to make beautiful bedding. Evenly distribute them on the sand layer. e. Layer the chopped bio-waste and partially decomposed cow manure into the tank until it reaches a depth of 0.5-1.0 ft. f. After you've added all of the bio-waste, scatter the earthworm species over the compost and cover it with dry straw or gunny bags. g. Maintain the moisture content of the compost by watering it on a regular basis. h. Protect the compost from rains and direct sunlight by covering the tank with a thatch roof to keep ants, lizards, mice, and snakes out. i. Keep an eye on the compost on a regular basis to prevent it from overheating. Maintain the right amount of moisture and temperature. (Reference: https://byjus.com/biology/vermicomposting/) Apart from advantages, there are some disadvantages of Vermicomposting 1. It is a time-consuming process that can take up to six months. 2. Unpleasant odor 3. Requires a lot of attention. 4. The feed must be added on a regular basis, and care must be given 5. The moisture levels must be checked on a regular basis. 6. Pests and pathogens such as fruit flies, centipedes, and flies thrive in these conditions. Refences:
Hello Alok, this is your mentor Hannah. Sorry for the late comment!
I've read a free report on earthworm's good effect on ecology before, but didn't expect it to work for waste treatment. Great thought!
This vermicomposting is appliable to organic wastes and it may not be applied in a big scale, but it's a natural and ecofriendly way.
Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :) Happy new year!
Posted 09-01-2022 17:51
Hello Alok, this is your mentor Joon.
There are many different ways to manage wastes and some interesting approaches are
being made in the field. vermicomposting is one the those ways to decompose produced
wastes into environmentally friendly way. There are pros and cons existing, however
more of theses approaches should be made until we find the optimal solution.
Well read your article, and Best of wishes.
Posted 22-10-2021 08:55
Wow this was super interesting read
Posted 20-10-2021 23:58