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(Free Report) Endangered Plants

by tatuli kvaratskhelia | 07-05-2021 17:49 recommendations 0

Last month I talked about the mammals of ICUN Red List. Now I would like to tell a little about plants as well. 

There are many plants in the world. Some count hundreds, thousands, and millions of years. They are important from both an ecological and a geographical point of view. However, they are endangered for many reasons. Let¡¯s look at a few of them.

Adansonia digitata also known Baobabs are common in Africa and India. It grows up to 25 meters and can live for several thousand years. The plant stores water in its body on rainy days and feeds on this water supply for the next dry months. Baobab bark, leaves, fruit are all useful. Its pulp is used to make fabrics and ropes, for leaves-medicine, and the fruit is enjoyed by monkeys, which is why it is also called "monkey bread". It is also noteworthy that in Africa, people also put flats on wooden logs.

Baobabs spend 9 months of the year without leaves. During this period its branches are more reminiscent of roots. That is why there are different myths and legends about the tree. For example, an Arabic legend tells us that the baobab tree was the first tree to appear on earth. Then it was followed by beautiful, tall and elegant other trees. When Baobab saw the tall tree, he began to cry because he wanted to be as graceful as he was. And when the beautiful, red-fruited tree caught his eye, terribly envious, he began to pray that he had it all and no other tree. God was very angry with Baobab's evil desires and punished him. Upside down, the branches in the ground, and the roots - on the contrary, left to measure so that his endless dissatisfaction and grumbling could no longer be heard because of his own appearance.

Dracaena cinnabari also known as the dragon tree belongs to the agave family. Mainly grows in the Canary Islands. Its genus contains about 40 different species of trees that can live for about 5-6 thousand years. Its branched stem grows up to 20 m in diameter and is about 4 m in diameter. By placing the bark of the dragon tree, red resin is obtained, otherwise the blood of the dragon is made, and brushes are made from the fibers of the leaves, and so on.

Bois Dentelle- This slender plant is a great rarity. Only two of its species survive. It grows mainly in shady forests. It is on the verge of extinction because the forests where it flourished have been burned and destroyed. This plant has very beautiful, white flowers.

Euphoria obesa also known as the baseall tree- The plant is native to South Africa. However, it is also common in America. He is very popular in terms of raising a family. In the open state it is very beautiful, so even though its juice is poisonous, many families cultivate it and rejoice in its gardens. It was these exaggerated desires that caused the plant to become extinct.

Tacca Chantrieri also known as the black bat flower- This is a very rare, really wonderful and interesting plant. It actively responds to the environment. The most important thing for him is temperature and light. If the environment is liked he begins to rejoice and blooms more and more, but enough to get into unwanted temperatures that he immediately begins to die.

Dragon TreeEuphoria ObesaBois DentelleBat FlowerBaobab

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  • Dormant user tatuli kvaratskhelia
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  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Hi Tatuli,

    This is your mentor Debbie :)

    There are so many, countless types of plants in the world. It??s a shame that we can??t really see many varieties living in the city. Are the pictures you??ve attached each plant you introduced in the article? It was fun trying to match each one - not sure if I??m correct though. Haha. Next time please label the pictures with captions if you can! :)

    It was interesting that baobab trees were the first trees on the Earth too! (though it??s from a legend..)

    Keep up with the work!

    Green Cheers,

    Posted 17-05-2021 11:40

  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi tatuli,

    This is your mentor Yuseon:D

    It's good of you to extend your last month's report regarding endangered species and ICUN Red List. I personally think that endangered plants would be much more than animals, as they have a more passive ecosystem.

    All of the plants you have introduced look beautiful yet unfamiliar. Thanks for sharing the pictures as well:)

    Keep writing,
    Posted 15-05-2021 00:47

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Hello Tatuli kvaratskhelia,
    I do hope you are staying safe and doing great with your works,
    Thank you so much for sharing such an impressive report on Endangered plants,
    In Nepal also IUCN has listed number of Plant in Endangered catagory, they carry alot of value in medicinal aspect and in ecological aspect,
    They are ecologically and environmentally valuable, there should be strict law and action plan by the government for it's protection,

    Keep writing

    We are eager to read much more from you,

    Green Cheers!!!

    Posted 10-05-2021 09:52

  • Shobha Pokhrel says :
    Thanks for Sharing such an informative report .
    Posted 09-05-2021 01:13

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