by Justice Obiri | 03-01-2021 21:27
31ST DECEMBER 2020, IN REVIEW Last year (2020) was exited successfully like rain water falling from a pregnant cloud. I was however troubled by our style of exit. 31st night of December is presumed to be the best day of the year since it is the last day of the year. We therefore love to exit this very of 31st December in grand style every year in Ghana. In celebration, most of us buy fire crackers of various sizes and magnitude and use them to send off the old year to embrace the New Year. I studied this phenomenon in my community this last year and the results are astonishing. Before 20:00 hours GMT, quite a sizeable amount of fire crackers had already gone off. All churches in my community were on standstill as individuals trooped in to tell God of their wishes for the next year. The services were accompanied by songs, prayers, and praises. Almost all the churches had speakers, and in my view they were causing noise pollution all around coupled with the firing of crackers. At 00:00 hours of 1st January 2021, like a lioness lying low to capture its prey, the fire crackers were buzzing around like mosquitoes in every corner. And in no time, I could barely breathe any clean or even see around since smoke form the crackers had filled the entire atmosphere. It could be a celebration but these are some of the things we do to harm the environment and our bodies in general. Like I have always being saying, we need to try and change our mindsets. As I excused myself from firing any of the crackers, I was seen to be an outmoded person which is fine for me. One celebration hosted: Noise Pollution, Air Pollution, and possibly could cause breathing problems for people who inhaled the smoke around in. I was lucky enough to have had my nose mask on, if not I could probably be telling a different story today. As people, we can never change everybody but every change must start from us. Let¡¯s change our ways of doing things to make the environment safe for us all. Happy New Year and Green Cheers from Ghana. |
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Greetings justice
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Keep writing
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 13-02-2021 15:57
Hello Justice!
It's your SJ mentor.
I hope you doing well.
Thank you for telling us about Ghana's culture for the New Year.
It is interesting to know that about a foreign culture.
But as you said firing crackers could trigger a lot of environmental issues.
Around the world, fireworks are often set off during New Year's celebrations.
An enormous amount of energy, such as gunpowder and electricity, is used for these events.
It is good to enjoy an exciting atmosphere, but I hope we can think about the environmental impact and pursue desirable changes.
Thanks for nice report. I will root for you the whole time.
Best regards,
SJ mentor.
Posted 14-01-2021 15:50
Hello justice
Thank you for sharing your perception regarding the celebration.
We should not harm our environment during celebration of any festival.
Posted 10-01-2021 17:23
Hello Justice,
this is your mentor WooJoo.
Warm greetings from South Korea.
Thank you for sharing your experiences in Ghana.
I agree that the 31st of December should be the best day, and celebrating the beginning of New Year is always exciting, but I am sure that there are better ways to celebrate the day than using the fire crackers.
South Korea used to host fire cracker festival in different cities,
and it was beautiful, but what about the wastes and the air pollution?
I think we can plan better types of festival to replace them.
Same thing with the balloons as well :(.
Happy New Yaer!
Posted 06-01-2021 22:32
Thank you so much Eco Generation
Posted 06-01-2021 09:25
Thank you for your goods words, Justice.
Happy New Year!
Posted 05-01-2021 14:05
Thanks Shobha
Posted 05-01-2021 02:58
Hello justice
Thanks for sharing your views regarding celebration of new year .
I am also agreed with thi sthat many of ous celebrate our event grandly but we are not being a bit aware about our environment .
keep sharing
warm regards ,
Posted 04-01-2021 16:07