Mining in Zambia, land pollution |
by Chabala Chisenga | 11-09-2020 15:38
Mining of copper and other metals to a lesser extent is the mainstay of the Zambian economy.
Copper is mined in the Copperbelt situated in the northern part of the country. It is not only the the most thickly populated part of the country but also the most urbanized. Urban centers developed with the mines as their nuclei and hence pose spatial problems between the needs of a rapidly increasing population on the one hand and the requirements of the mining industry on the other. The provision of raw material for the extractive industries is a geological one. Economic history shows the realization of these potentials and thirdly, lack of planning has permitted exploitation of minerals and dumping of wastes without much regard to reclamation. Spoilation of land by mining activity is mainly caused by the methods of mining as well as by the dumping of the solid and liquid wastes from the ore crushers and concentrators; while air pollution from sulphurdioxide and dust is from the smelters. Legislation has recently being enacted to regulate the dumping of wastes and for the reclamation of waste dumps. However, this has had only a minimal effect on the problem as yet. The soil from a dump which is ready for reclamation is analysed and methods of revegetating such a dump based on ecological principles is attempted. Thank you. Source: link.springer.com Amb Chabala Ken Chisenga The 25the Eco Generation Regional Ambassador to Zambia |
Thank you so much for sharing it. Great learning about mining in Zambia
Keep sharing great report with us!!
Posted 15-09-2020 23:49
Hello ,
Greetings and namaste form Nepal
Thank you for sharing your report.
Keep sharing reports,
keep writing
We are looking forward to know more from you.
Paras Kunwar
Posted 15-09-2020 19:50
Hi Chabala, this is your mentor WooJoo :)
How amazing it would be if all people, including bussinessmen, workers or citizens, put an effort to not to harm the environment beforehand, without any needs of making new regulations or restriction to force them to do.
It is a good news that the mining industries have taken consideration by building fish farm, but I can see that lots of more problems are going on, and still left to be solved.
Hope the harmful actions such as dumping wastes get solved as soon as possible.
Thank you for sharing the news in Zambia with us!
Best regards,
Posted 14-09-2020 02:02
Hello Chabala!!
I hope you are fine and doing great.
Its great to know about land pollution in Zambia due to mining industry.
Keep writing and shining.
Hope to know more from you.
Warm regards,
Posted 13-09-2020 10:58
Greetings chabala
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for sharing it.
Great learning about mining in Zambia
Green Cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 13-09-2020 05:19
Thank you my mentor and fellow environment leader/activist.
Posted 12-09-2020 06:11
Thanks for post about mining of metals in Zambia. It's really sad that it's so harmfully impact on ecology. I think it's quite widespread issue. The government should definitely regulate it
Posted 12-09-2020 03:06
Hello Chabala!
It's your SJ mentor.
Thank you for letting us know about Zambia's land pollution issue due to mining industry.
Development thoughtless for the environment is huge problem all around the world.
Demand of copper is increasing as a result of the growth using lithium-ion batteries to reduce carbon dioxide emitted from engine vehicles.
Copper foil is a important material used for current collector in Anode electrode of secondary batteries.
As you mentioned reclamation, planning for exploitation of minerals and dumping of wastes must be preferentially handled.
I hope you to share your precious environmental issues as a Regional Ambassador to Zambia!
Best Regards,
SJ mentor
Posted 11-09-2020 19:54