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Our common treasure, Water!!

by | 08-08-2014 15:47 recommendations 0

Commonly, Earth is called the planet of water. Likewise, Earth is the only planet that has big amount of water. Water helps creatures to live comfortably. For example, all human beings can't live without water because 70% of body is consisted with water even in the vessels, sea creatures can't live without because oceans, lakes, rivers are the only habitats, and fishers, who earn money by fishing sea creatures, can't live without water. However, as the time passes, people don't cherish water.


Oil-spill is the biggest problem that occurs serious water pollution in Korea. 7 years ago, the coastal waters of Taean were covered with 12,547kl of crude oil. All the sand on the beach was turned black, mud flat was covered with oil, and birds that sat on the surface of the sea or mud flat were also covered with oil and turned black. In addition, in this year, oil-spill was occurred again in Yeosu. 164kl of crude oil was spilled out from oil-tanker.


There are more causes that can pollute the water. We should do something to protect our precious water. What else can we do? In the next article, I will report about the method that we student can do for water protection.


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  • says :
    I came to an idea. Why don't we reduce the meat consumption? As Unmesh said, 16,000 litters of water is used to produce 1kg of meat. Small change can make big difference if accumulated.
    Posted 12-08-2014 19:03

  • says :
    @Arushi, you made a really good point. :)
    Posted 12-08-2014 19:02

  • says :
    Oil spills are a great cause of water pollution. It must be controlled & the vessel operators must assume responsibility for the same.
    Prevention is better than cure.
    Posted 09-08-2014 17:07

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Water is one of the most important substances on earth and is essential for survival of all plants, animals and human beings so , indeed , it is absolutely crucial to protect water from all forms of pollution. Thanks for highlighting this issue and thanks for sharing the sad story of oil spill.
    Every day we use products that rely on oil. Whether we fill our vehicles with fuel, pack our lunches in reusable plastic containers, or wear polyester fashion, we support the exploration for, drilling of, and transportation of oil around our planet. Unfortunately, this also means we all must take some responsibility for marine oil spills when they happen. Therefore , one of the ways to avoid oil spills (causing water pollution)is to reduce our dependence on oil or petroleum products .
    Posted 09-08-2014 04:30

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