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by | 13-04-2012 16:44 recommendations 0

Further to my report on the Dubai Peace March , I attended the opening ceremony of the DUBAI INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONVENTION yesterday ( 12th ) . Eminent speakers from US , Europe , the Arab world and Asia spoke essentially on the importance of peace . Thousands attended the convention and it was very heartening to note that almost half the audience comprised of children. My school, THE MILLENNIUM SCHOOL , had distributed leaflets of the convention in our classes to increase awareness of this event . The conference will  continue today and end tomorrow(14th ) , so interested people from the region are urged to attend.

Wars create poverty , loss of human capital and resources , increase pollution and irrepairable damage to habitat. So, conferences like these are an imporant step towards eradicating wars , thereby addressing one of the key themes of the Earth Summit which is building a green economy in the context of poverty eradiaction and sustainable development. We must remember that if there's peace , there's hope for a green future!


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  • says :
    the Value System in our mind must be changed in peaceful and sustainable way.
    We've been living focusing on material satisfaction too much. This kind of lifestyle threats the earth greatly. We need to learn the importance of education for the future generations.
    Posted 17-04-2012 12:57

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    I agree with you Kehkashan that life without peace is a mess. Everyone deserves peace as a fundamental right.

    Posted 16-04-2012 02:12

  • says :
    Hi Sudeeksha! You are absolutely right. In order to achieve a sustainable world, we need peace and for that,we need to inculcate good values. Good values and skills are the basis of your growth and success in a green world. We must propagate through our education that if you compromise on your values you cannot achieve long term success which is essential for a peaceful, sustainable and a green economy.
    Posted 14-04-2012 22:38

  • says :
    hi. I agree that events like this help in promoting peace but I would also like to add that values and human skills should be made a part of every one's education.
    Posted 13-04-2012 22:16

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