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Environmental awareness: letting them go for what they know.

by | 29-10-2014 14:56 recommendations 0

Environmental awareness: letting them go for what they know.
          We often don?t do many things because of not knowing but we think that others will do why should I even bother? That is why positive changes take long time as we always wait someone else to do it first. And I think awareness activities helps unaware people to gain information on one hand and also it helps those hesitant people to convert their knowing into action. So like my co-ambassadors had done it earlier I also organized a small awareness program for my family and neighbors during my vacation.

    I first told them in brief about how today's world is at chaos due to human induced activities, including information about global warming, climate change, increasing pollution, biodiversity loss etc.Then I told them how our small efforts can provide great relief to our mother Earth. And then I told them about what can be done from their sides for the betterment and sustainability of the planet, which includes following things:-

1.     1  .Wise use of electricity to turnoff the lights and unplug chargers and plugs when not in use.

2.      2 To replace fluorescent bulbs with LED lights as they are more energy efficient and durable.

3.      3. At my place (since it's village) almost everyone grows vegetables on their own kitchen garden but nowadays due to the easy access to market people are more attracted to buying them instead of growing themselves. So I told them how most of the vegetables in the market contain toxic pesticides and herbicides and they have no or minimum nutritional value hence asked them to continue growing more vegetables on their own land. Also asked them not to use harmful chemicals on their farm, as they deteriorate health, land and environment all at once instead replace them with biofertilizers.

4.      4. I also told them about the harmful impacts of the plastics that are already here in our world. Hence asked them to reuse them as long as possible and say no to more plastics and asked them to carry their own bag for shopping.

5.     5.  I told them how the kitchen waste including food wastes can be a great nutrient to their farmland hence asked them to compost them.

6.      6. Until now we don?t have problems of water maybe due to which, people use water recklessly so I told them about how many people in different parts of the country and whole world are deprived of even little amount of water and living in difficulties. So asked them not to misuse the resource they have got.

7.    7.   As its village fire is still used for cooking so I asked them to putt of the fire after their work is over. As it'll not only reduce the wastage of firewood but prevents from otherwise fire accidents that may be caused.

 After telling them about above things I also asked them implicate and share their learning's with others and then introduced them about Tunza.Ofcourse our little actions makes a lot of difference. I hope that these learning are will be shared further and it'll make a positive impact.After the programduring the programduring the programduring the program


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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing, Alina!
    Posted 27-11-2014 13:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Very well done Alina.
    I double agree with your opening statement "positive changes take long time as we always wait someone else to do it first". This is ironical & we at Tunza Eco-Gen Forum must break these shackles & spread awareness about sustainable living.
    All your 7 tips are very practical & easy to follow.
    If the same is done in your village, other villages will follow & this will be your real reward when someone, unknown to you, will approach you & thank you for spreading awareness & helping them to follow these simple tips.
    Posted 02-11-2014 19:43

  • says :
    Thanks everyone for going through. :)
    Posted 31-10-2014 15:09

  • says :
    Great job Alina, it feels really great to work with community and share our knowledge about environment. Its might seem small but its really effective and has greater impact.
    Congrats for sharing about your environmental knowledge and reaching out to community. :)
    Posted 30-10-2014 00:32

  • says :
    great one Madan,you know man s greatest enemy today is ignorance and awareness is the best way to win this battle..thanks

    Posted 29-10-2014 21:54

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good job , Alina . Such community outreach activities and events notopnly raise community awareness about environment related issues and tips but also (as you rightly said) encourage volunteers to come forward to start doing positive /eco friendly actions. Environmental awareness is to understand and make others understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 29-10-2014 19:55

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