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Deforestation and Turkey

by | 02-11-2014 05:03 recommendations 0

Life is a cycle and nature is the one who creates, processes and protects it. However, nature isn't alone in this job. It has many strongholds that supports it, one of which is the forest. Forest is, perhaps, one of the most important helper of nature as it has many trees in it. Without a doubt, many other aspects are important for nature, but I believe the trees have a special place. Trees are the ones who produce O2 so that almost every species of organisms can produce energy (ATP). They help other organisms live by establishing mutualistic connections. They prevent erosions from happening. Despite being at the bottom of the food chain, without them the whole system would break apart shortly. Although, trees that are a part of forest have all these crucial advantages for others, it is such a terrible fact that we keep cutting them all around the world.
This fact about the increasing deforestation is, unfortunately, also true for Turkey. Deforestation is one of the major environmental issues that Turkey face today. For example, in 2013 Department of Combating Against Deforestation stated that in the past 76 years, 2.403.355 acres of forest was cut down illegally. This means every year, at least, 31.623 acres of forest (about 77.5 million trees) is cut down without the knowledge of the government. Furthermore, Turkeys has two major project to help and improve the transportation: building the 3rd Bosporus Bridge and the 3rd International Airport. The president of Department of Forestry mentioned that 2.711.000 trees were going to be chopped in order to have enough space to build building of such size. Moreover, in the last year a total of 1.9 million trees were burned down due to forest fires. Last but not least, according to a research done by ecologists from Turkey, It is estimated that a minimum 15m2 of area of green land (forest) per person is needed for the citizens to be healthy. In Turkey, the average area of green land per person is only 3m2. This number is only one fifth of what we need in minimum. In fact, we don't need to look all around the country to see the effects of deforestation. We have a forest nearby our house. I have recently asked my grandparents who lived here for their entire life how did the forest use to look like. They said that it was bigger and had all kinds of animals in it like deer, bear, rabbit, birds etc. But now there are many restaurants at the beginning of the forest and they just keep cutting more and more of it.
On the other hand, according to both UN's 'Total of Forest Establishment Activities' report of Turkey, the total sum of afforestation in Turkey for the past 10 years is about 500 million saplings which is about 50 million saplings a year. This number isn't awful, however, it is insufficient. Just the amount of illegally cut trees on a yearly basis is 77.5 million trees and I am not taking the amount of time we need so that the saplings turn into real trees. Aside from the efforts of the government, there are also many foundations like TEMA that tries to prevent deforestation by raising public awareness. Eventhough, all numbers are against us, there is one thing that I am proud of and that is a recent event that has happened in Turkey called ?Gezi Park? Event?. What basically happened is that Istanbul Municipality to cut down many trees at the center of Istanbul, the city where I live, in order to build a shopping center, but there were a series of protests and people lined up to defend the tree, especially the youth. After, a week of protest the government finally gave up and now the trees are still there. Maybe, the numbers are against us, but I feel that our people are finally starting to get the idea of the importance of nature which I believe is a good improvement. All we have to do is just keep spreading this awareness and surely one day we will not be writing these horrible facts.

Gezi Park©¥, IstanbulA shot of protests

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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing, Utku Karadeniz!
    Posted 27-11-2014 09:04

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing such a informative article.
    Posted 22-11-2014 00:31

  • says :
    Hope your country is also active in the reforestation and afforestation programs which can still sustain and maintain the beauty and stability of your country' natural resources.
    Posted 10-11-2014 17:43

  • says :
    Thank you for the informative article, Utku! I've traveled Turkey(including Karadeniz region) and my overall impression on Turkey is that it's a country amazingly blessed with beautiful forests and seas. But I also remember a news article reads "Turkey will be a desert with the deforestation in this speed". So considerable efforts must be made to keep the precious forests and leave it to our children.
    Posted 04-11-2014 10:27

  • says :
    Really awesome Facts
    Forests is the cornerstone in controlling climate balance
    Subject of sustainable forest management and a good way to keep forests
    It should focus on reforestation campaigns, and take care of the small trees after planted so do not go afforestation campaigns vain
    Good luck in forest protection Utku Karadeniz

    Posted 03-11-2014 20:55

  • says :
    Thank you Utkufor the report.
    Great job by youths of Istanbul. A proof about what youth can they if United and work together.
    Hope aforestation program gets launched and get to know more postivie news in coming days.
    Tress are important. Forest is the habitat for millions of animal and is vital for existence human civilization .
    Posted 03-11-2014 15:06

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    WoW! This is proud moment for Istanbul when youth protested and stalled the felling of trees to build a shopping center.
    Trees take so many years to grow but few hours to cut. They are our lifelines. We all must respect, understand & take a firm stand to augment afforestation.
    This is the only way forward for our sustainable living.
    Thanks Utku, for a detailed report on deforestation in Istanbul
    Posted 02-11-2014 13:06

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