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Green Lifestyle Outreach Program: Ecotourism for Mwanza Students and Teachers

by | 04-05-2012 23:51 recommendations 0

As with issues of citizenship and health, ecotourism opportunities are a key cross-curricular theme for student learning. Traditionally, educational visits to national parks were seen as a study of no importance. However, Tanzania?s wildlife and ecosystem resources touch on all aspects of daily life in the modern world. Their preservation should be seen as a core value in Tanzania and, increasingly, throughout the African Continent as well. Indeed, the value of these resources is now entrenched as one of the key defining modern economic drivers for Tanzania and they are increasingly recognized as valuable renewable resources for local communities. This project provides the students and teachers opportunities to go to local national parks and personally experience and analyze the issues of social, economic, and ecological sustainability involved in the protection of these natural resources. It also encourages them to formulate their own ideas on ways in which the impacts of environmental degradation can be reduced, and ways in which issues such as these can be integrated across their future club activities. More so, the program advocate for the use of public transport, wise use of water and electricity e.g. switch off light, if the room is not in use.


The Ecotourism education outreach program is driven by needs prioritized by range of development partners (Africa Otters Outreach Program, Tanzania National Parks, Children?s Health and Environment Caretakers/Jane Goodall Institute Roots & Shoots Program). A high priority identified was a desire to visit natural areas and personally experience one of Tanzania?s National Parks. Grant funded field trips to Rubondo Island National Park for Mwanza environmental club students have fostered a high conservation commitment amongst participating students and teachers. This park, which encompasses the only protected Lake Victoria shoreline, offered these future conservation leaders an experiential learning opportunity they had been hungry for. It also allowed them a first-hand experience of what the Lake Victoria ecosystem once was and demonstrated to the students their dedication to learning about their environment and its wise stewardship is recognized and valued.


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  • says :
    There was a news coverage in National Geography on Lake Victoria ecosystem .
    Thank you for posting of such report on Ecotourism.

    Posted 09-05-2012 18:05

  • says :
    Wonderful article! Eco tourism is a great idea!
    Posted 09-05-2012 15:00

  • says :
    Thanks Christy and Vandrangi 4 your nice comments, I just loved them
    Posted 07-05-2012 15:25

  • says :
    That is true Vandrangi
    Posted 07-05-2012 15:24

  • says :
    Wow the pictures are so beautiful...
    Wildlife that consists the mother nature has a very sophisticated architecture.
    So even smallest one must be dealt with huge importance.
    Posted 07-05-2012 10:35

  • says :
    If only we take a couple of minutes from our time, we'll be able to learn a lot from nature and Eco-tourism is definitely a leap towards it.
    Posted 06-05-2012 12:14

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