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Interest re-ignited

by | 05-05-2012 01:11 recommendations 0

Renewed Interest

Recently in the month of April, I went to Patna, the capital of Bihar, a state in northern India to visit The Tarumitra Bio-reserve. I was accompanied by some friends and two teachers, all of us members of the eco club, Tarumitra, in my school, De Paul. Apart from the fun that we had all through the journey, the best part was what we saw and experienced at the Ashram. Every nook and corner in the entire Ashram was eco-friendly including the way it was planned and built. I don?t know if I can describe it here but the pictures might be self explanatory.

          The best part of the visit though was that we could take part in a rally taken out to protest against cutting down of around 2000 rare trees to make way for the expansion of the Patna airport. We worked along with the students of Mt. Carmel High School under the leadership of Smriti, a ninth standard student. Father Robert Athickal was a pillar of strength all through the protest.  Some people asked me if we were against development. Development, definitely but we should ask the inevitable question?. at what cost? Just because trees don?t have a voice they are the first victims of the whole process. Chop them now and think later as to how to use all the extra place created! It?s just not fair. I wish the planners try and build with a plan to save as many trees as possible.        

                                            Description: DSC07699.JPG 

              The super charged Tarumitra members raising slogans against felling of trees.                          


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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Vandrangi, it's a great report about your region. I really liked it.
    Forest is the lungs of all human being. Even though the airport is a huge economic project,
    we need to deeply consider of the importance of trees and economic growth.
    Posted 07-05-2012 10:45

  • says :
    I agree with you wholeheartedly!
    Posted 06-05-2012 00:58

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