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Environmental Protection campaign on bicycles

by | 25-05-2012 13:44 recommendations 0

In Jharkhand state of  India, as a part of environment  campaign , Devdut Club has started their  Cycle tour on 21st. may 2012.


Earlier I had shared information on   1,500km long marathon run  from Delhi to Mumbai by  our Model-actor Milind Soman a as part of NDTV?s annual Greenathon, in support of  clean and green environment.


This time 4 cyclists had started their  cycle tour to spread message of water conservation, forest protection, Tree plantation  etc..   The  ?Devdut? is a green club of Industrial city Jamshedpur and working for environmental protection. The team has selected  bicycles for  traveling in the different part of the state  to encourage riding of cycles in place of  driving of motor vehicles.  The tour was started on 21st. May?12 from Jubilee park area in presence of many environmentalists of the city.


The team will travel all the  24 districts of  Jharkhand state in next one month and try to meet maximum peoples to share their message for environment protection.


     The Jharkhand state covers 7.970 million hectare geographical area, out of which 2.322 million hectare  is the  Forests area.   The  population of the state is 26.9 million (as per census 2001)  among which 26.3% is the  tribal population spread over total 211 blocks and 32615 villages .

  This type of  effort will help to meet and train directly a large part of  tribal youths  to  work towards environmental protection in the state  where the literacy rate is only 54.13%.

We,  the team members of Jharkhand Children?s Green Club ( JCGC )  are extending our moral support for such  initiative for nature protection.


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Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thank you for the update! There are a lot of campaigns goring around the world! Good to know this!
    Posted 29-05-2012 08:41

  • says :
    All are putting efforts
    To make the world green
    Milind Soman run for 1,500km
    To fulfill many dreams,
    Jharkhands boys on bicycles
    Spreading message to save forest
    Now this is you and my term
    To work for the earth, for it??s best .

    Posted 26-05-2012 13:24

  • says :
    Wow! This is a wonderful thing to do to spread awareness!
    Posted 25-05-2012 22:32

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