World Soil Day |
Soil is often known as the abbreviated form of: S=Surface O=organic Matter I= Inorganic matter L=Living organism/Life Soil is very important for us from every point of view and has very important and special position in agriculture as it provides base for the plant, acts as the source of nutrient and is habitat to many organism, it absorbs all those heavy materials and is the natural recycling machine. In fact its very great assets to innumerable organism including human beigns. Despite owing so much debt, What have we done to our soil, The base of our life? Used haphazardly those pesticides, herbicides, weedicides and fertilizer to get those luscious fruits/vegetables, plotted all those land to make concrete jungle and deteriorate the condition of the soil making it go from bad to worse? That?s what we have done till date and what we will continue to do so unless new and holistic approaches are not found out and more importantly implemented as quickly as possible. And the whole responsibilities rely on those soil scientists (most of whom are agriculturalist) and the way they share their knowledge with other fields like biological scientist, social scientist, economist and environmental scientist. (This is with the belief that our course and life are totally interrelated and everyone?s participation is must) To make U-turn to existing situation, to make us know about the importance of Soil in presence context and celebrate ?World Soil Day?on 5th December a workshop was jointly organized by ?Faculty of Soil Science and Agri-enginnering? of both Tribhuvan University and Agriculture and Forestry University(where I study) at Rampur College (AFU). We were happy to get opportunity to participate in the workshop where there was the presence of prominent soil Scientist of our country including the oldest Nepali Soil Scientist, farmers and students like us. We had heavy discussion about soil, its importance both aesthetic and in scientific terms, organic farming, conservation agriculture and sustainable agriculture, pros and cons of using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and weedicides, methods of tillage, increasing urbanization and unplanned city expansion, status of soil research in the country and world. Senior lecturers, Readers, Professors and Scientist further showed us their slide. The way they talked about using organic farming and Good Agriculture Practices, conservation agriculture (CA) and Sustainable Agriculture(SA) was quite intimidating. (I will post in detail about these practices which are important from nutritional, ecological and social point of view in my upcoming reports) We were elated to see Soil Scientist considering about conservation of environment in their every debate. Every time they spoke, they didn't miss about eco-friendly agriculture practices. This is very encouraging and is positive sign as well. Prominent organic farmer (who has been following the suits for more than 30 years) Chandra Prasad Adhikari shared history of success and struggles he had to go through before making his farm fully organic.He had amazing and very encouraging story to share with us and one thing that struck in my mind was ? Long time we used to have everything organic. Tomatoes tasted good, cucumber was full of nutrient and we used to recommend fruits for sick people. But now, Tomatoes only looks good, cucumber doesn?t get decayed and we become sick eating fruits.? Quite thoughtful. Also, we came to know about IUSS( International Union of Soil Science), a common global union of soil scientist and its history as well. We were happy to know UN celebrating 2015 as the ?International Year of Soils?. Yes, Eco-generation members, 2015 is the ?Internatioal Year of Soils?. So let?s celebrate it, give the full justice to our soil from our side. If we can?t improve it then at least let?s not destroy. Soil is not renewable source( at least for generation as it takes more than 20 years to revitalize it and takes millions of years to make it). Happy World Soil Day and Happy International Volunteers Day as well. |
Thanks for the comment and encouraging organic food Rohan
Posted 07-12-2014 21:27
Thanks for the Soil report, Rahul.
Glad to know about Chandra Prasad Adhikari. Such activists are the pride of the nation. You are right about organic. Whenever I taste Organic Fruits & vegetables, the taste & aroma is a bliss.
Looking forward for the 2015 as the"International Year of Soils"
Posted 07-12-2014 18:01
Let's hope for the best Aksana in upcoming years.
Posted 07-12-2014 13:05
With the declaration hopefully we can ensure much more to come in 2015, important of all is originality of soil should be maintained. Thanks for sharing, worth reading, keep it up.
Posted 07-12-2014 09:26
Thanks Sujan for the comment. Good to see you in Eco generation platform 😊
It's our responsibility to spread the message and promote conservation of soil.
Posted 07-12-2014 01:28
Well written Rahul!
2015 as a International Year of Soil Science would work much esp. in the soil context of developing countries as these countries soil topography is very fragile and well degraded!!
Posted 06-12-2014 21:56
Yup Prashant. Let be optimist for this :)
Posted 06-12-2014 15:31
Thank you Arushi for reading and commenting. Its time we celebrate from our side.
Posted 06-12-2014 15:31
Wonderfully written!
Hopefully much will be done in 2015 for Soil Health.
Posted 06-12-2014 11:00
Thanks for nicely written report. Thanks for informing that 2015 is declared as International Year of Soil. Right we should protect & preserve soil . Indeed it is non renewable.
Posted 06-12-2014 01:47