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IGAF Eco-projects

by | 06-12-2014 11:01 recommendations 0

The Indonesian Green Action Forum (IGAF) - www.facebook.com/IndonesianGreenActionForum- is an environmental platform which engages children, youth and local community to conserve the environment and to achieve peace of culture. IGAF is supported financially and non-financially by UNESCO, GEF Small Grants Programme UNDP, YUNGA UNFAO, UNEP TUNZA SEAYEN, Flagship UNESCO Sandwatch Project, TUNZA Eco-generation, Eubious Ethics Institute and the Young Professional for Agricultural Development.
IGAF is especially established to overcome Indonesia environmental problems such as deforestation and forest degradation, illegal fishing, pollution, climate change and global warming, green energy, agriculture, water and sanitation, biodiversity and so forth.
Yet, IGAF has been developed and implemented more than 30 green projects in Indonesia with engaging more than 30 top universities and 25 schools from Indonesia. These projects are well-known as the IGAF Eco-projects. These projects aim to address the environmental problems which treathen the sustainability of the environment and peace of culture, and to help increase environmental awareness of children and young people in Indonesia.
In executing the IGAF eco-projects, IGAF executors - comprising IGAF standing boards and active members - attempt to campaign other issues, e.g. gender disparity, freedom from discrimination and persecution, ESD, women empowerment, healthcare, and so forth.
This year, IGAF will execute some eco-projects which are going to be committed in Indonesia provinces. The goal of the projects is to encourange massively 500 children and youth through implementing real action to the environment.  As the previous reference, below are some examples of outsantading IGAF eco-projects: COASTAL EDUCATION OF MANGROVE FOREST (Fig.1) FORESTERS SCHOOL (Fig.2) ECO-EDUCATION (Fig. 3) PARAHYANGAN GREEN CHALLENGE (Fig.4) YOUNG GREEN WEEKEND SCHOOL (Fig.5) GARBAGE EDUCATION (Fig.6) and AGROFORESTRY EDUCATION (Fig.7).

Please refer this link: http://sandwatch.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=173&Itemid=2
Parahyangan Green ChallengeParahyangan Green ChallengeActions for the Environment

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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Reading many reports of IGAF shows how active it is . Impacting 500 children & youth to work towards environment is a big deal worth thumbs up. Thanks for sharing many initiatives of IGAF. Looking forward to IGAF's next initiative.
    Posted 08-12-2014 23:35

  • says :
    IGAF seems really interesting! Good work Indonesian people!
    Posted 08-12-2014 06:33

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    IGAF is very active organisation.
    Indonesian agriculture has lot of potential to improve the yield. By Imparting education and awareness this is feasible.
    All the best to them.
    Posted 07-12-2014 15:17

  • says :
    Nice project from IGAF, keep up the good work :)
    Posted 07-12-2014 01:29

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