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by | 06-12-2014 11:07 recommendations 0

Agriculture is always interrelated with climate change in which it links mutual correlation on global scale. As ensuing climate change, agriculture contributes on producing green hause gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. In addition, agriculture contributes as well in shifting forest area and land cover. At the same time, while climate change has been occurring, agriculture would be influenced. For instance: poverty, drought, unpredictable weather and sudden insect attack will affect harvest time and productivity of agriculture plants. Most of these serious problems affected by both climate change and agriculture must be overcome as soon as possible. However, these problems will be not easily turning hands because it is a general problem threatening each country in the world. An important factors redundantly concerned is who the causes of climate change and not eco-friendly agriculture system are. Yes, we will directly confess that anthropogenics are the major factor of the whole. So, by educating students early about eco-friendly agriculture to students is a green path which is able to address climate change. From the above, IGAF did real action by educating students of SD N 2 Stobyong (elementary students) to understand well about agriculture and climate change as well as the environment. This initiative was built to educate student early in which factually the students would be the next generation who would inherit the environment.

The objectives of project entitled ?Early Agricultural Education for Students at SD N 2 Srobyong, Mlonggo Jepara? were:
1. to ehnace environmental awareness of students about the importance of agriculture and climate change to sustainable environment
2. to encourage the willingness of students in developing initiatives for protecting the environment
3. to deepen understanding of students about climate change and its occurring impacts as well as best practices.

 Time : 08.00 am -09.30 am
 Date : Thrusday, July 17th 2014
 Place : Classroom I of SDN 2 Srobyong, Jepara
 Participants : 80 students from Grade I and Grade VI of SD N 2 Srobyong

The activities done in this project included the explanation generally what IGAF and the partners are, eco-courses about climate change, and global warming as well as agriculture. We persuaded students to follow games for making enjoy and happy. Furthermore, we also gave YUNGA?s badges to school stakeholder especially librarian for keeping the badges as handbook or guide book about the environment.
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Early agricultural education is a very good move to inculcate sustainability attitude in young minds from their early age. and also to teach them about details and impact of agriculture towards sustainable development .Thanks for sharing, Achmad.
    Posted 09-12-2014 01:57

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Early agricultural education is a very good move to inculcate sustainability attitude in young minds from their early age. and also to teach them about details and impact of agriculture towards sustainable development .Thanks for sharing, Achmad.
    Posted 09-12-2014 01:57

  • says :
    Great job! You did the right thing doing the activity for people this age because these ideas will be fundamental and basic in their brains when they grow up.
    Posted 08-12-2014 01:39

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done Achmad! Early Agricultural Education for Students is an important exercise for them. It helps them to understand & appreciate agriculture.
    Posted 07-12-2014 14:15

  • says :
    hi achmad, Thanks for your sharing. early education is a good thing, because thinking like a primary school child as an empty glass. so for example the empty glass is filled with a good education, the future is expected there will be a strong inner attitude, so they are good.
    Posted 07-12-2014 08:54

  • says :
    What a thoughtful approach, well done!
    Posted 07-12-2014 01:24

  • says :
    Well done Achmad and nice Report.
    Obviously climate change and Agriculture effect each other and its good to now you sharing knowledge about these with children :)

    Posted 06-12-2014 16:09

  • says :
    I love it!
    Posted 06-12-2014 13:23

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