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Youth Group's Role for Sustainable SIDS

by | 08-12-2014 06:20 recommendations 0

As we all know that climate change which is the most challenging threat to small developing islands.

So for this reason I am sure that climate change, and what we do about it, will define and shape the global legacy we leave for coming generations. 

The future of our land is in our hand and together, we must ensure that our future generation will not suffer from the consequences of climate change in whole world in general and in the Small Developing Islands in specific .

If we all deal with climate change as a violent for human rights, then we can feel that our life and the life of the coming generation is violated by a human activity called " Climate change " therefore we will do our best to eliminate this violent as we fight for other human rights .

Based on the point I mention above, I will start with an important point that will help Youth groups in this global to do something related to sustainable development, climate change and other environmental issues that small developing islands are facing .

The point is " Education for Sustainable Development " Because this area of education allows every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future.

As a Youth Activist and throughout all my work and study experiences, I Believe that Education is important because Education gives people the chance to change their life , define their future and take control of their destiny .

And if we focus in the Education for Sustainable Development  (ESD) which means including key sustainable development issues into teaching and learning for example, climate change, biodiversity, poverty reduction, sustainable consumption and recycling , then these teaching and learning methods will motivate and empower Youth learners in all Small Developing Island to change their behavior and take action for sustainable development. 

The Sustainable Development  needs all the efforts of the Government, Privet sectors, NGOs and Young People themselves, we can Promote ESD and focus more in our projects and activities that will support youth in their role as change agents.

And if we talk about Innovative solutions for How youth groups can work and have their role in the sustainable of SIDS ,

I am strongly believe that Youth can be a driving force for action by the following points :

1-               Involving youth in the decision making process, because they are important source of creativity, enthusiasm and are drivers of social changes.

2-               Empowered the youth with sufficient knowledge, enabling skills and appropriate attitudes and values.

3-               Rise awareness that enable young people to comprehend their relationship with the environment and make concerted efforts to conserve it and create a more sustainable and equitable present and future.

4-               Providing young people with a high quality education and free access to knowledge and resources as well as providing them with appropriate employment opportunities to enable them to acquire skills and facilitate their transition from education to employment.

5-               Recalling the commitment of UN and its member states to recognize the priorities of youth as an integral part in the future development including sustainable development and the post -2015 Development agenda negotiations related to SIDS .

Finally as we all know that the support and advocacy from the international community has not been sufficient to facilitate the access to and development of environmentally solutions that are relevant to SIDS.

So for an efficient and a real role for youth groups in sustainable development of Small Island we must  call for urgent global action, with developed countries taking the lead, to keep the global average temperature increase well below 1.5 degrees Celsius, and long-term stabilization of atmospheric at well below 350ppm CO2-equivalent levels.

These actions should include also the provision of increased levels of financial and technological resources that will involve youth groups in the sustainable development of SIDS .

Therefore youth will be more active and working hard in different fields with a full responsibility to keep Small Developing Islands a better place for them to live and the coming generations.

Thank you for Reading ^_^


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  • says :
    Dear friends : thank you for reading and your feedback, You add some great points to be notied and included in coming reports related to ESD .
    Best Regards
    Posted 11-12-2014 00:32

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability. People have started to recognize that current economic development trends are not sustainable and that public awareness, education, and training are key to moving society toward sustainability. Undoubtedly youth play a major role and it is important for them to be educated and action-oriented towards sustainable development.
    Posted 10-12-2014 04:59

  • says :
    Education for Sustainable development is very nice concept and effective way to prepare youths for future. And I agree with all the 5 points you have listed . Quite true climate change should be linked with human right.
    Posted 08-12-2014 23:12

  • says :
    Education for Sustainable Development, is need of today for securing tomorrow :) I totally agree with you opinions regarding role of youth in Sustainable SIDS, better integration of youth in decision making is must to encourage active participation of youth. Thumbs up for your article dear Sadam
    Posted 08-12-2014 16:27

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks for the report, Sadam.
    Youth can be the driving force in Sustainable development. Education is the key factor. It helps to direct them in the choosing the right track.

    Posted 08-12-2014 12:33

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