World Energy Conservation day 14-Dec-14 |
by Rohan Kapur | 14-12-2014 13:40 0 |
Today [14-Dec-14] is world Energy Conservations day. Last month when we received a Utility bill for our house @ AED 944.94 [US$ 257], I vowed to keep it down for next few months so as we may celebrate the Energy conservation day in its true sense i.e. by Saving the precious Energy. The whole month I kept closing the water tap whenever it was not necessary. We arrange to wash utensils by using lesser water. The washing machine was used on full load only. The water geyser was switched on for 15 minutes only before bathing. The lighting was kept at minimal. AC was set at 25 Degree. Earlier it was @ 24Degree Celsius. I am elated to report that current Utility bill has come for AED 574.50 [US$ 156] for the current month. This is whooping 39% saving in energy. Remember, in UAE the water is desalinated, thus it also consumes precious energy. I saved Water & Electricity both, on this World energy conservation day and I pledge to carry out further in the months to come to save the precious energy regularly. Come on Folks, please do share you energy conservation achievements at this wonderful forum & make our mother earth a more sustainable place to exist. Every day is energy conservation day.. The bill copy is attached for a detailed reference. |
@ Muhammad, well said & Thanks. If my efforts are able to motivate you then they are worth the efforts. I'm humbled.
Posted 17-12-2014 20:08
A single step can change an entire universe, law of butterfly effect! You did a really good job Rohan again and again, congratulations in successfully lowering the energy consumption!
Posted 17-12-2014 12:53
@Rahul. Thanks for noticing with detail.
Posted 14-12-2014 21:37
@Arushi, Thanks for your wishes.
Posted 14-12-2014 21:36
Great job Rohan. 39% enery conservation. that's amazing.
Thanks for uploading the scanned copy of bill as well.
Posted 14-12-2014 19:04
Well done, Rohan. Great savings for you , your family , for the UAE and for Mother Earth.
Posted 14-12-2014 16:57