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by Luiz Bispo | 29-05-2015 11:04 recommendations 0

Rondon Project was launched to encourage students to engage with the sustainable development and strengthen the citizenship. This project is financed by the Federal Government and coordinated by the Ministry of Defense and participations and collaborated with many other ministries.


The project was started in 1967 and developed by the University of the State of Guanabara current University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). In 2004 this was revived with an inter-ministerial group and resumed again in 2005 in the city of Tabatinaga AM.


This activity provides the students with an opportunity to practice the knowledge that they learn in classroom and also benefits a Brazilian municipality. Students figure out their needs and can apply their knowledge to generate local sustainable development, citizenship, and social welfare through open communication. The Rondon Project will be powerful tool for social awareness and taking part in this project will contribute for people from all over the Brazil to experience diverse cultures.


The cost incurred in transport, accommodation and food is covered by the Ministry of Defense and the municipality supports the expense of implementing the proposed actions. Moreover, donations for training, team transport and providing certificate are the responsibility of the universities.


The Rondon Project has served about 830 municipalities since in 2005 and about 14 thousand teachers and university students have participated in this project. 


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Arushi, I also hope that the idea can occur in other countries as well. Thanks for the comment!!! =D
    Posted 30-07-2015 22:49

  • says :
    Such involvement of students and teachers is Project this big so cool and worth modelling.
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 29-05-2015 21:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    This sounds really nice . I wish such projects are launched in other countries as well. Students get opportunity for hands on training experience . Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 29-05-2015 20:12

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