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Planting and Management Activity - Piracicaba City

by Luiz Bispo | 31-05-2015 06:50 recommendations 0

There is a project in Piracicaba City that I am developing and it aims to provide  a better atmosphere for a non-profit organization. The project is called "Planting and Learning". The non-profit organization support children and youth that had their right ignored in somehow.

About two weeks ago I gathered about four children of the entity. Nevertheless, we have done the planting of a few trees and also we removed weed that stay grow around other trees in order to mitigate competition for water and nutrients.

I believe that the activity could help them to nail and grasp in their mind a little bit more about the importance of the environment and role of trees for us.

Hopefully, they shall keep the message in mind and also will be able to spread out for the local community.

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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Arushi, it is my pleasure to share it. Thanks for the addition.=D
    Posted 30-07-2015 23:00

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Bindu, Thanks so much for your kind words. it make me very strong to keep on the green track!!! =D
    Posted 30-07-2015 22:59

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Rahul, I liked your quote "Children are tomorrows pillar". Thanks for the comment mate!!! =D Lets keep working hard!!!
    Posted 30-07-2015 22:58

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Rahul, thanks so much. Children are the future and we need to educate them very well!! Thanks for the comment!!!
    Posted 30-07-2015 22:55

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Through your project "Planting and Learning"you are teaching these youngsters about environment , it's value and trees as important resource to protect environment. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. All the best for your project.
    Posted 01-06-2015 03:42

  • says :
    Dear Luiz first of all, I extend my best wishes for your project. I am so glad to see you encouraging those little kids towards environmental conservation and its importance.
    Keep on sharing :)
    Posted 31-05-2015 16:05

  • says :
    Children are tomorrows pillar. Inculcating the such nobel habit ensures the healthier environment in future. Great to know about you activities mate and 'Planting and Learning'
    Posted 31-05-2015 13:00

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well Done Luiz. Involving children at young age in service of mother nature is a noble idea.
    All the very best for your Planting and Learning project.
    Posted 31-05-2015 12:59

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