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Sikkim going organic.

by | 01-06-2015 00:03 recommendations 0

At a time when the area under organic cultivation in the country is yet to cross 1 per cent of the total agricultural land, the small hilly State of Sikkim has stolen the show as its entire agriculture is set to go organic by 2015.

The State has only around 60,000 hectares of farmland and already 70 per cent of it is under organic cultivation.

Sikkim is going to be India?s first wholly organic state in 2015.
The beginning of this initiative can be traced to 1996 when the government floated the idea of green revolution in Sikkim. Slowly the idea of becoming organic state cropped up. The state has only 60,000 hectors of farmland.
The government has banned the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide from 2003. Sikkimise farmers have small land holds. They are ensured that through organic farming they can maximise their profit and live a decent life. Since organic product has a niche market both in India and abroad, it seems Sikkim has a bright future in organic farming.  It has also opened up possibilities for other states.

What is important is that 70 per cent of the State?s farmland is under certified organic cultivation. They have a stringent mechanism to monitor and certify the genuineness of organic produce.

As part of its plan to make the entire State take to organic cultivation by 2015, Sikkim has banned the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides from 2003 itself. Going organic has twin advantages of protecting the health of people by avoiding chemical fertilizer and pesticides, and getting premium value for the produce.
As we are a small State, the landholdings of our farmers are also very small. Hence we need to maximise agricultural income to ensure them a decent living. Organic farming has come as an appropriate option for us as we can send our produce to niche markets not just in India but also abroad to get maximum returns for farmers.

What is novel about Sikkim?s experiment is that it is using organic farming as a tool to bring about economic development of farmers. A systematic marketing and procurement network has been put in place by setting up the apex body of Simfed, which provides forward and backward linkages.

?Simfed has about 170 grass-roots level multipurpose cooperative societies which buy agricultural produce from farmers on their doorstep. After setting aside certain quantum for domestic consumption, the remaining produce is either sent to niche markets in other States or foreign countries. A premium of about 25 per cent is offered to organic produce with respect to prices,? Mr. Swaroop explained.

The marketing and payment system is transparent. They have a policy of making payments within 15 days of receiving consignments,

The main crops under organic cultivation in Sikkim include cardamom, orange, ginger, different varieties of beans, paddy, baby corn and sweet corn.

Organic tourism
Organic farming is adding to the tourism potential of the State and providing additional income to farmers as the Sikkim government has also taken up organic tourism. Nature tourism is being promoted by setting up home stays in villages that have been declared ?completely organic?. Under this concept, tourists are served organic food and also taken on a visit to fields where organic cultivation has been taken up, according to Mr. Swaroop, who added that tourists can also buy organic produce directly from farmers.

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  • says :
    This certainly is a great achievement in Sikkim land as well as for the global organic movement. Thank you so much for the great report. I wish I could visit there. :)
    Posted 02-06-2015 16:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well reported Neel. I feel proud for this First Organic state of India & all the best for the second one, Kerala.
    These are very positive steps for green living.
    Posted 02-06-2015 12:55

  • says :
    Wow! Sikkim is going to be whole organic by 2015. This is a great news. I have heard a lot about the natural beauty of Sikkim though I haven't got a chance to go there. Being a organic state will make Sikkim a beauty with purpose.
    Thank you for sharing dear Neel :)
    Posted 01-06-2015 17:48

  • says :
    Yeah, sikkim is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Must visit place. btw its time for Kerala as it plans to become second fully organic state in 2017 after Sikkim!
    Posted 01-06-2015 16:19

  • says :
    Much coveted step by Sikkim sate.
    Would love to visit the beautful hilly state again :)
    Posted 01-06-2015 13:37

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Hopefully, such a great inniative will gain a good perspective among the local or national communities. =)
    Posted 01-06-2015 08:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's really a positive achievement by this great state of SIkkim. Going fully organic is a great milestone and example for other states to follow. Thanks for a very interesting report. I learnt a lot about Sikkim Tourism and I want to visit in my next vacation to experience it for myself. Thanks for giving me my next holiday destination.
    Posted 01-06-2015 06:01

  • says :
    No doubt, Sikkim is the ideal state of India. good to know that it set yet another example by going organic, way to go!
    Thanks for sharing Neel. :)
    Posted 01-06-2015 01:42

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