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Fire accident

by | 01-06-2015 16:39 recommendations 0

The following story is my first hand experience 2 days ago. It took place near the Wongwian Yai BTS (electric train) at a townhouse. It was dangerous and also harm the environment. I could only get one photo which is not that clear because I was rushing away from the incident. There was a fire accident there which can harm both people's health and the earth's health.

I was studying math at the 4th floor building. It was the area where there is lots of townhouses. The townhouses are very old and likely to be abandoned. However, some people still open small karaoke restaurant or pub there. There was about 4 other students with me in the class. Suddenly, the electricity went off. We didn't panic because we thought it was just a common incident. We waited for a while for the electricity to come back on. No one said anything. We were completely unaware. I noticed students from another class walking outside, telling the staffs. The staffs came in my room and said that the whole building's electricity went off. She told us to wait in the room. However, she came back again 5 minutes after to tell us to exit the building. She said there was a fire but she doesn't know where it was. So, we packed our stuffs and left and room. Luckily, the fire exit is right in front of the place. We could smell smoke and caught glimpse of it from the outside. We rushed down and found out that the other floors was abandoned already. I called my mom and she told me to meet up at the electric train station. Turned out that there was indeed a fire in the next building. People were gathering around, trying to take video as the fire fighters entered the scheme. Thick grey smoke were coming out of the buildings. We could smell it strongly even on the ground level. I walked to the nearest station and took the train to the meeting spot with my mom 3 stations away. I saw fire fighters extinguishing the fire throughout the street. Several ambulances rushed there too. 

My dad read the news and told me the fire was from a karaoke pub. It is summer and the temperature is high. So, the karaoke tools exploded and set fire. The fire fighters rescued 2 dogs from the top floor. There was no death. However, I think that  fire accident like this can seriously damage environment. In the photo I took, there is  a great deal of smoke from the window. Fire from the normal household alone is the cause of e global warming. But the fire accident like this, set thick smoke directly into the atmosphere. The smoke from the incomplete burning process will destroy the ozone layer. The fire in this incident is more toxic than ordinary wildfire which the fuels consists of natural wood barks. The fuel in this incident composed of electronic tools which can included lead, cadmium, plastic and others. Smoke from these fuels, especially lead, can make the air poisonous. Example of the poisonous gases are Carbon-monoxide and Hydrogen chloride. Carbon-monoxide is also the main cause of global warming.

To summarize the case up, people should be more responsible. If the karaoke owner had known that the electronic devices shouldn't be heated up in the summer, the accident wouldn't have happened. The old townhouses are not suitable for making business with complicated setup and tools like karaoke. I had been to a scout camp and the teacher were singing karaoke on the bus. It was a very hot day for road trip to the countryside. The microphone exploded. Fortunately. No more farther harm was done at the time. If people are more responsible for there action, there wouldn't be so many problems. We will not cut down trees if we care enough to analyze the consequences and put the need of the others before our own. We may need money but if we cut down trees, it may harm the environment and eventually harm us. In the end. Every actions have consequences. In order to teach the new generation to have concern toward the environment, I joined a group of teachers at Wat Pai Lueng (means yellow bamboo). I have started to teach the children there English and did the story telling activity last 2 weeks. Environmental issues are included in my stories to teach the children to love nature. I will be doing this activities one a week, every Sunday.
smoke coming from the building

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thank God Swasamon there were no causalities and all were safe and sound including you.Glad to know that you are volunteering in so many activities.Keep it up.
    Posted 02-06-2015 22:38

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Town houses are indeed dilapidated & need a face lift or new life. We are relieved to know that you are safe. Please take care.
    This incident must act a deterrent to the various business owner to behave sensibly & try to avoid such incidents in future.

    Posted 02-06-2015 12:26

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a shame it happened. Fortunately, no one got hurted.
    Posted 02-06-2015 04:56

  • says :
    Swasamon, thanks for you update. Electrical appliance needs to be properly maintain to prevent this kind of accident.
    Posted 02-06-2015 04:25

  • says :
    If people are more responsible for there action, there wouldn't be so many problems
    Glad to know no human casualties occurred.
    And also proud of you teaching children. Nurturing them with environmental concept from dawn ^_^
    Posted 02-06-2015 03:23

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    It's good to hear that no one gets hurt at least. We should be more concious about the over heated problem in Summer though...Thanks for sharing your idea that the fire accident would be a great danger to the human as well as the air quality.
    Posted 02-06-2015 02:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Sorry to hear about the fire accident. Glad you are safe and there are no human life casualities. Agree with you that we should behave responsibly and while buying or operating electrical appliances , we should read the operating conditions and check if it is suitable to operate at such high temp or not. Else we are not only risking our lives but others' also.
    Posted 02-06-2015 01:33

  • says :
    Dear Swasamon, yeah every action has reaction and if we can't make wise use of electric appliances then may result in such hazards. I am sorry to hear about this fire accident.
    Anyways I am happy that you are teaching children to love nature through stories.
    Keep sharing dear :)
    Posted 01-06-2015 17:39

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