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Call4Climate Action

by | 02-06-2015 05:59 recommendations 0

For me the climate crisis is a matter of the survival of our civilization. It is challenge that gives us the opportunity to make history. It is an issue of utmost urgency. Any further increase of average temperature risks the end of global civilization as we know it today.
World leaders have been negotiating over global warming policy since 1992- that was before most of us were even born. They promised the world that average temperature would not increase 2*c (3.2F). This promise must be kept. Each year, we emit 3% more CO2 than the year before- this must end immediately. There is no more time for discussion. We need swift action.
To prevent an increase of global temperatures by 2*c, we must leave at least 85% of known fossil fuels in the ground. This is a formidable challenge that requires new energy systems and probably a fair compensation for owners of fossil energy deposits.
The policy I want to see is that all people should have access to clean and renewable energy to a sufficient extent without harmful side effects and without depletion of resources. For examples, the deserts of the world receive more energy from the sun in two days than the energy needed for ten billion to live comfortably for a whole year. Energy cooperation between countries is vital. Therefore countries must move a policy where they all agree to CUT CARBON POLLUTION double each year than the last until they reach zero emissions atleast by 2050. 
I would like to support the greatest afforestation project in the history of the world, by joining the movement for planting 1000 billion trees which is 150 trees per citizen. These new trees will sequester one quarter of human made CO2.
 I believe governments need to be audacious to address the enormous challenges we face. They need to not only aim higher but they must be bolder on financing and embracing better ways of working to achieve our shared goals.
The major obstacle in international negotiations on climate change is and always has been reaching an agreement on how much each state party of the UNFCCC should contribute to the immense efforts which are both essential and imminent to reduce GHG emissions, particularly CO2
We, the 3 billion young people created a manifesto of the world?s youth at Tutzing Castle that was developed around a strong and clear criteria, offering results within this framework and which will be able to help the international community to achieve a much-needed positive final agreement at Paris 2015. I urge you to support this manifesto, let?s be the generation that finally frees the world from the tyranny of oil by harnessing natural, alternative fuels like solar, geo-thermal and spur the production of more fuel efficient cars. We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases.  We can turn this crisis of global warming into a moment of opportunity for innovation and job creation and an incentive for businesses that will serve as a model for the world. Let?s be the generation that makes future generations proud of what we you did at Paris 2015. This is a #Call4Climate action, one every nation must answer NOW!
I stand with Felix, the initiator of Plant for the Planet Foundation.

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  • says :
    Thank you, my friends! haha! we are young and I believe the fate of the worlds rests with us and surely the territory comes with making ambitious goals that will be achieved. Together we can do this, global.. join me and plant your bit, ask your neighbours to do the same and before we know we'd have reached our target- 1000 billion trees :)

    Kudos for all your hard work, you keep inspiring me through your articles all the time.. Let us keep at it, the battle is yet to be won!
    Posted 03-06-2015 03:48

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for a very inspiring report with interesting facts , Jack. 1000 billion trees , for sure will make a great and bang impact in cutting CO2 emission . Let's spread the word around and let's motivate and encourage people more and more to plant trees. I have been campaigning very aggressively through my campaigns and sessions to plant trees at least on important days like birthdays , anniversaries , Environment day , Earth Day , Earth Hour . I have been doing it myself too. Let's answer to #Call4Climate action.
    Posted 03-06-2015 00:57

  • says :
    Dear Jack, Wow! planting 1000 billion trees is just more than incredible. It is the responsibility of our generation to face the climate change challenges together and find solutions, take the action now.
    Together we can!
    Cheers :)
    Posted 02-06-2015 21:52

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Ambitious Jack!
    Well written & good target set. We must keep our goals high, achieving a fraction of which will be an astounding achievement.
    Let our generation be the one to bring the much needed change. Turning climate back to natural resources, back to nature.
    Posted 02-06-2015 12:21

  • says :
    1000 billion trees (Y)
    Will read tutzing castle manifesto
    Posted 02-06-2015 12:09

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