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The Colossal Energy Wastage by the Street Lights

by | 02-06-2015 12:02 recommendations 0

The United Arab Emirates, the country dubbed of being the hub of green sustainable living, is making progress in leaps and bounds in the field of innovating solutions for conserving the environment by the most efficient use of technology. The leaders are doing the best they can to adopt the method of making development while conserving the environment.

I was going by the road that leads to Dubai from the King Faisal Road, Sharjah Industrial Area, I noticed a scene that stunned me. In the morning at 7.45 am with bright gleaming sunlight, the street lights on the full road that stretched till the Double Colla roundabout were switched on. I thought that maybe because it is a Friday, the lights were left switched on by mistake but on the next day as well the lights were switched on till 7.50 am.

UAE has become a pioneer in innovating technology that works in collaboration with the message of environmental conservation. Imagine the amount of electricity consumed by all the street lights on the road if power consumption of one lamp post is 600 watts! Furthermore, imagine the amount of carbon footprint generated by these street lights! The UAE has a limited stock of natural resources with a very high energy consumption rate. Therefore it is incumbent form this fact that it is the duty of all of us to reduce our consumption to a limit which produces carbon footprint that is within the assimilating capacity of Mother Nature.

If on Earth Hour so much amount of energy was conserved by switching off lights for one hour, then how much amount of energy would be conserved by switching off the street lights in the morning when not required? I requested the concerned authorities to take this matter into consideration as soon as possible.

You can also go through my report by clicking the link below that is published in Gulf News today


colossal wastesave energy

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    It is great to know that the leaders are working out for sustainable development. Thanks for sharing Mohit!! =)
    Posted 09-06-2015 05:47

  • says :
    Thank you so much @Rahul, Arushi, Rin , Unmesh.
    Posted 04-06-2015 01:14

  • says :
    Good report..I remember I have also reported the same 2-3 years back and suggested to have sensor operated lights so that it works automatically based on available light around us...
    Posted 03-06-2015 20:17

  • says :
    There should be something wrong with the setup of road light controller system, I hope the officers realizes this inefficiency asap and fix the system. Thanks for your report :)
    Posted 03-06-2015 18:23

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Great observation and great action to wake up authorities. Well written report too. If all the residents behave and act responsibly like you did , there won't be energy wastage at least like these.
    Posted 03-06-2015 01:00

  • says :
    Mohit , its the concern of the youths like you that will bring changes from the grass root level ^_^
    It will be truje tribute to the earth hour we celebrate only when lights are switced off when not in used :)
    well wriiten report Mohit :D
    Posted 03-06-2015 00:41

  • says :
    Thanks @Bindu di.

    Posted 02-06-2015 22:28

  • says :
    Thanks @Rohan
    Posted 02-06-2015 22:28

  • says :
    Dear Mohit brother, happy that you noticed the street lights and published eye opening report in Gulf News too. I hope UAE being the pioneer in sustainable lifestyle and green energy takes it seriously and adopts strategy for economic use of energy.
    Thank you for raising the issue :)
    Posted 02-06-2015 20:24

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Congrats Mohit. I read your community report in Gulf News today.
    I agree, switching off unnecessary lights will save so much energy. It is a good habit to conserve the consumption of energy as much as possible.
    Posted 02-06-2015 12:16

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