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by Luiz Bispo | 02-06-2015 13:10 recommendations 0

What is the World Environment Day (WED)? It was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. It aims to raise global awareness in order to take an action to protect environment. The WED is celebrated on 5th Jun each year and every events have had own themes. In particular, the host country of the 2102 world Environment day was Brazil with the theme ?Green Economy: Does it include you??


This year, to celebrate for the WED, ?the cine Brasilia? prepares to show the relevant movies for audiences from 1 to 6th June for all age groups. The event will be organized by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the UN Green.


2015, the WED theme is "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care". Ten movies are supposed to be playing for the Brazilians who are interested in sustainable consumption. At the end of each session, UNEP will provide the audience with the discussion about the movies. It will be a good opportunity for people to understand the issue of consumption and realize the responsibility of the environment.


The exhibition opens to everyone to encourage them to have more sustainable lifestyle. People need to be aware of their lifestyle leading to our future at risk. To change our behavior to save the earth, this event will play an essential role to make people realize their daily consumption and try to reduce the waste for the earth.


The UNEP celebrates this event across the world and it is supported by the Ministry of the Environment, the Supreme Court of Federal, Department of Culture of the DF, Akatu Institute and Cinema Ecofalante in Brazil.




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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Aness, that is true. Visual display sometimes is very efficient to keep ideas in people mind. Thanks for the addition!!! =D
    Posted 30-07-2015 23:14

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Bindu, I totally agree with you. Audio-visual is a very effective tool!!! Thanks for the comment!!
    Posted 30-07-2015 23:07

  • says :
    It's a proven fact that people tend to remember what they see more than what they hear. This is an amazing method they've chosen to take and I'm sure it will be effective. Hope you get to attend!!
    Posted 04-06-2015 02:26

  • says :
    Then, I really hope you attend the exhibition. I'm really curious to know what movies that will be showed to celebrate the day. I hope you will tell us in your next report. Thanks Luiz!
    Posted 03-06-2015 17:49

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is indeed effective & long lasting. Well reported Luiz.
    Posted 03-06-2015 15:26

  • says :
    Great initiative by Cine Brasilia.
    Audio-visual certainly have bigger impacts and shall be more fruitful.
    Thanks for sharing Luiz. :)
    Posted 03-06-2015 10:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Movies have the strongest and long lasting impact . They play a fundamental role in raising awareness on social issues and delivering effective calls for action .When you view something bad followed by it's consequences in movies , it makes you introspect for your actions and teaches you a lesson. Additionally , if ideas or solutions are shown through movie, it makes us believe that they are practical and useful. It's a great initiative by "the Cine Brasilia " to show relevant movies on eve of WED. These would definitely inspire people towards sustainable living . Thanks for sharing , Luiz.
    Posted 03-06-2015 01:08

  • says :
    Audio-visual is quite an interactive tools to disseminate ideas. I recently listend to a music in video which told the climate change story through its change in tone and rythm
    Thanks for the report mate
    Posted 03-06-2015 00:45

  • says :
    I firmly believe audio- visual means is the most effective in disseminating ideas/innovations. I am sure displaying movies will encourage Brazilian people towards more sustainable lifestyle.
    Thank you for sharing dear Luiz :)
    Posted 02-06-2015 20:20

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