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Is Caring of Environment is just limited to Environmentalist?

by Dharmendra Kapri | 03-06-2015 05:28 recommendations 0

Little acts of kindness and thought from us would make a lot of difference to needy people. Offering water and Juice to passengers, students, peoples would make a real difference during summer months, when temperatures soar to up abnormally. This is what peoples of my city are doing these days. Many local organizations and social activists are offering water and juice to passengers, school students, and hapless peoples.

This is one of the best things one can do during summer months. Our little acts can make a real and tangible difference.

Last week, while I was in market I saw some peoples are offering water and juice to every people visiting the road. But when I see the road, it really broke my heart. Road was full of plastic glasses. Yes!! They were using plastic glasses.

I really appreciate the idea of offering water during summer months and truly respect their intentions but this is what I don?t like in the name of social work. Using plastic glasses in such a huge amount and dumping the roads and surrounding are not at all good practices.

I don?t get why we have so many double standard people under the tag of social activist? Why there are so many categories like- Environmentalist, Child education and rights and Women Empowerment? (I agree that every issue needs different approach and experts but don?t we have some common responsibilities/duties towards our society? Is keep cleaning the road and city is just limited to municipality? )

Is caring of Environment is just limited to environmental activist or child education & rights, poverty and women empowerment is just limited to their activists?

I really hate this mentality of peoples. In India we all used to talk a lot about ?Clean India Campaign? but when it comes to the ground level we all refuse to do our bit. Is this what we are doing to support our national campaign?

 Of course Yes, Sad but true! This article and the picture is the best example of reality and double standard nature.



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks Aness for your views :) Sad to know that this happen in your country as well. Yes, I do agree with your point that people do not have inner drive to do something for our environment and they consider it as waste of time and energy(Sad but True). As I already mentioned in my last comment that "Who Cares" attitude of peoples is the main cause of environment degradation.

    To tackle all these problems we need to aware our children about the environmental conservation and In this regard GREEN SChOOLs and a platform like Eco Generation would be best to sort out all these problems :)
    Posted 06-06-2015 08:01

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks Rin for your comment :) Yes ignorance and Who Cares attitude of peoples is one of the main cause of every environmental problem.

    I would be really happy if you share an article about the system of Singapore in this regard.
    Posted 06-06-2015 07:47

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    @Rohan- Instead of stopping everyone they can open/set the drinking water stall in a particular place/area so needy peoples can visit and drink water without causing any plastic and traffic jam problem :)
    Posted 06-06-2015 07:41

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks Arushi for your views and I do agree with fact but I have visited/seen many Gurudwaras(Sikh Temple) where they use reusable plates and glasses in Langars. So we can take the example from them.
    Posted 06-06-2015 07:35

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks Rohan for your views and I do agree with your point but it can only solve 50% of the problem. Let me explain it-

    They are offering water to every person including bike/car/bus/truck riders. If you are going thru that road they will simply stop you and offer a glass of water. I don't get the idea of stopping everyone. It's weird!! They even offer me a glass of water in the mid of road. You have no other option than throwing the glass on the road(Btw Me and my friend kept the glass in our pocket as we are really concerned about the issue but I am sure nobody gonna do the same in my city as it requires lots of awareness about the issue and personal love toward the mother nature).

    This is also causing the huge amount of traffic jam these days.

    Yes, Recycling is another good option :)
    Posted 06-06-2015 07:28

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks Bindu sister for your concern :) Yes I am planning to hold an awareness campaign with the help of NSS and NCC students. There are so many issues and problems related to the use of plastic so these days I am trying to find out all the issues and areas affected by the use of plastic/dumping. Then after I will contact to media to spread awareness about the issue.

    Yes, Together We Can Do It :)
    Together We Can Change The World :)
    Together We Can Save Our Mother Earth :)
    Posted 06-06-2015 07:04

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks Rahul :) Yes, Only good intentions are not enough we have to be cautious and responsible towards our duties :)
    Posted 06-06-2015 06:47

  • says :
    This is a universal problem Dharmendra. In my country as well, whenever such activities are undertaken, the aftermath is a sea of trash. The problem is that most of the people do not have the inner drive to do something when they know there's someone whose work is doing that thing. They have a mentality that as long as they are not the city cleaners, they don't care.

    It's a mentality that needs to be rooted out! especially because children do as they see and if that is what they learn then this problem will be carried on into future generations. We should find ways to make sure that the only thing carried forward is the habit of being socially aware in all ways.
    Posted 04-06-2015 02:24

  • says :
    I guess... people don't care about it as They think that there will be cleaning officers to collect the rubbish. Some of them have known that littering is wrong, but as long as there are cleaning officers, the problem won't be bigger.
    Government should see how government of Singapore fine littering doers. In matter of disciplining society, government of Singapore is the best. Thanks for your report :)
    Posted 03-06-2015 18:15

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing your mindset in this issue which is very commonly seen in India. In such voluntary events or so called "jaloos" or "langar"(community snack/lunch), it may not be possible to keep reuseable glass (as these would have to be cleaned properly for hygiene before reusing -for this they would need a cleaner ...may not be practical) so using disposable cups is most feasible in such cases(excuse me for saying so but it's the fact).
    But as Rohan said , these could have been thrown properly in bin (to be kept only for these cups) which later should have been sent for recycling.
    Thanks again for your report. I appreciate your honest concern and passion towards environment. You rightly said that people doing good on one side (by serving water etc) are doing bad on other side , towards environment. There is a need for awareness , everyone needs to know how bad plastics are and how they should prevent them going to landfill.
    Posted 03-06-2015 17:02

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I fully agree with you Dharmendra. I will take this issue one step further.
    While I fully support the drive to offer cool refreshments to passerby's but another simple arrangement of a waste bin to collect the used glasses & subsequently hand over to local recycling center will close this loop & make this drive truly humanitarian & eco-friendly as well.

    The person offering the glass must remind people to drink it & dispose in the waste bin. If 1 person does that all will follow & this will become a habit in no time. It is very natural to follow the crowd & it takes one trigger factor only to initiate the wise disposal.

    Well written report indeed.
    Posted 03-06-2015 14:47

  • says :
    Dear Dharmendra, I am so sorry to hear news everyday about the several deaths due to heat waves in India. I totally agree serving water for passengers, school students is good but using plastic glass is totally wrong. I feel happy towards your concern in this issue.
    If energetic youths like you gather and conduct an awareness campaign or take the help of media to disseminate the effects of haphazard use of plastic glass, it would be great.
    Together we can do it :)
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 03-06-2015 11:21

  • says :

    I do agree with your thoughts. only good intention are not enough we have to be cautious and ensure our good intention is implemented in proper way.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reports
    Posted 03-06-2015 10:52

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