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Eat Green !

by | 30-06-2015 19:15 recommendations 0

The things what we eat each day and our food choices can have some major environmental consequences. When we take food into consideration, we tend to forget about the energy, water, chemicals and effort used to produce everyday food items like chocolate bars, soft drink or a packet of chips. Not to mention the fuel burnt getting these items to you.



In this holy month of Ramadan, considering the food wastage, here are a few tips to reduce your impact.


Eat lower on the food chain - Meat production can be energy, resource and pollution intensive.


1. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes is healthier and        easier on the planet. Consider exploring vegetarian options.


2. Eat locally – it saves transportation costs and helps the local economy, too!




3. Take only as much as you can eat!


4. Avoid throwaway plates, cups, flatware and trays. Carry and use your reusable mug.


5. Eat at food service areas where you can use ceramic plates and cups, metal silverware and reusable trays.


6.  Avoid take-out food which is over-packaged. 


Also there is this wonderful calculator that calculates the impact you make on the environment:


I hope all Tunzan?s take these tips into consideration whenever you have your next meal and always remember the million others who are dying due to shortage of food.

Eat Green !

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for sharing good information Humaid. Keep it up!!!
    Posted 05-07-2015 07:05

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing Humaid 😆
    and the link as well
    Posted 03-07-2015 18:35

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing the green tips Humaid :) Well, it will affect a lot on the environment because most of human eats 3 times a day. I am trying to eat 'real foods' (not processed, genetically modified) from local market. Being healthier is another good result from the good eating habit :)
    Posted 03-07-2015 13:41

  • says :
    Dear Humaid, thank you for your concern towards Food embracing the values of Eat Green.
    Lets go Green :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 12:43

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    In Ramadan month, the food waste tends to rise, Humaid. This is such a disgrace to the society & an eco-waste as well.
    Thanks for reoprting.
    Posted 01-07-2015 22:12

  • says :
    Indeed, since only about 10% of energy passes from plants to plant-eating animals, consuming plants is 10 times more efficient, not even taking into account the extraordinary amounts of water needed for animal husbandry. Well said!
    Posted 01-07-2015 12:12

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Food wastage is such a menace that it is harming the environment , economy and lifespan of many people. It is a crime which should be made punishable.Thanks for sharing the tips and the calculator link , Humaid.
    Posted 01-07-2015 03:44

  • says :
    Food wastage has been a great problem and it should be taken carefully by all of the people.
    Thank you Humaid for sharing the practical way to maximize the available food. I hope that all the Tunza members will take it seriously and share this to others too.
    Posted 30-06-2015 20:48

  • Jamaica Layos says :
    thanks for sharing this friend Humaid Habeeb :D
    Posted 30-06-2015 19:54

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