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Plantation Campaign

by | 30-06-2015 19:59 recommendations 0

Mr. Birendra Poudel, chairman of Nepal Friendship Society (NFS) an NGO invited me to help in the coordination of Plantation campaign scheduled for 29th June i.e. today. So after receiving this kind invitation, I requested Rahul and Upakar brother as well as Aksana sister and my friend Ashish to join along with me. They were ready and excited for the event (as always). So, waking up early in the morning at 4.30 am I took a bath and followed other daily routine. I reached the venue Pokhari Tole, Chitwan Nepal at 6.15am and shortly afterwards brothers and sister also arrived.

We had total of 200 saplings of Kamini species (Murraya paniculata), a tropical evergreen plant. Local villagers gathered at the cross road of venue and started cleaning the area for plantation on the side of highway. It was a privilege to have chief officer from Bharatpur Sub- Metropolitan municipality who inaugurated by planting one sapling. Few saplings were transplanted on the side of road, fenced with protective bamboo frame. Manure and fertile soil was mixed in the spot dug for plantation.  Then after, two saplings were handed to each household of that administrative area for planting in their home.

Local village improvement committee took the responsibility for monitoring and supervision of the planted and distributed saplings. We really enjoyed working for greening our environment along with active participation of local people. The campaign lasted for almost three hours.

PS: As a thanks giving to ever supportive Mr. Birendra Poudel, I have requested for promotional good with our own Tunza Eco- generation. I will post the picture of handing over souvenir in my next report.



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  • says :
    @Bindu, You are always my loving sister dear :) I am proud that you are nourishing your community by teaching the importance of environment and strengthening women leadership. So proud!
    Posted 06-07-2015 15:29

  • says :
    Dear Luiz, Thank you so much mate :)
    Posted 05-07-2015 22:49

  • says :
    Dear Christy di :) Though we are separated by distances you words and encouragements are always with us that drives us whole heartedly for a green cause. Thank you being such inspiring and supporting my lovely di..
    We were also glad to see local people specially women actively involved in the entire event.
    Thank you for your lovely words di :)
    Posted 05-07-2015 22:46

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Beautiful job mate!!! So inspiring!!! Keep going!! =D
    Posted 05-07-2015 07:02

  • says :
    Hi dear lovely sister Bindu :) Thank you soooooooooo much for you guys' great works. And thank you for sharing all the great works with us along with lovely pictures. It makes me feel like being and working with you. A lot of women are actively joining the plantation, so impressive! Thumbs up!!!!
    Posted 03-07-2015 13:37

  • says :
    Dear Alina sister, Thank you so much :) I wish someday we can work together with you as well :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 12:28

  • says :
    Dear Rahul brother, Cheers :) :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 12:25

  • says :
    Dear Rohan, thank you for compliments. Yeah exactly, we ambassadors try our best to involve in any activities together and this was a golden chance indeed :) We plan to conduct several other events together in the coming days too :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 12:25

  • says :
    Dear Mohit brother, it was really awesome that we 3 were finally together in the same event. More happy that one of the active member Upakar brother and my friend Ashish joined us too.
    Thank you for your kind words :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 12:21

  • says :
    Great work done by three of you and others involved. :)
    Happy that it happened. (Y)
    Posted 02-07-2015 10:20

  • says :
    it was indeed great program. Enjoyed a lot :D
    Posted 02-07-2015 00:54

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is very well organised & Team effort of you Bindu, Aksana, Rahul and Upakar. Be it tree planting or earthquake relief or any other Green activity. You Nepali ambassadors are together in many causes. This has really set a very positive example @ this forum.
    Keep it up.
    Our best wishes & many congratulations.
    Posted 01-07-2015 22:11

  • says :
    Good to see you all ambassadors and local people working together for a common cause.Its true Bindu di that tree plantation is one of the most executable solution to environmental issues.Good job.Thanks for sharing.Well Done!!!
    Posted 01-07-2015 14:49

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, yeah we really had a great time working together for a green cause. I totally agree Plantation is the most viable solution to environmental issues.
    Thank you for going through the report dear sister :)
    Posted 01-07-2015 09:50

  • says :
    Dear Sabin, Thank you for your kind comment.It was so proud moment to see local people participating such actively :)
    Posted 01-07-2015 09:45

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good green job done by 3 of you and the others involved in plantation campaign. Trees are the lifelines /lungs of Earth and one of the most beautiful creation of God. We should encourage tree plantation on all possible occasions. Thanks for sharing , Bindu di. It's always so nice to see you ambassadors working together.
    Posted 01-07-2015 03:47

  • says :
    Donating plant to the local and involving them in tee plantation is indeed great way to show your concern towards and nature and eagerness to do something for its conservation.
    Great work done by the three ambassadors and I hope it will be taken care of in the days to come.
    Thank you for the report and yes great photos.
    Posted 30-06-2015 20:44

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