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Environmental promises of the world and our actions

by | 30-06-2015 23:50 recommendations 0

     Environmental issues are becoming more and more essential worldwide. Especially, Global Warming is a serious problem and has become inevitable due to the highly polluted nature. Thanks to the development of technology, the world has become a global village. As numerous disasters are alerting people, humans are putting effort on these issues. For instance, nations are contracting various international agreement to solve the problem. Today, I would like to discuss some of the agreements and how much each countries are acting in a right way.

     First of all, let's look at the international agreements. Basel convention, Montreal Protocol, the Climatic Change Convention, and the Convention on Biological Diversity are some representative agreements and I would like to briefly explain their concepts.

     Basel convention deals with the Control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal. Montreal Protocol is about limitation on Substance that deplete the ozone layer. As you can assume just by looking at the title, Biological Diversity convention, it was contracted to preserve the biodiversity. Last but not least, the Climatic Change Convention is an agreement seeking the way to lessen climatic change. Many nations are trying hard to achieve the agreement.

     However, the problem is that the countries that are polluting the Earth and the countries that receives the harmful result usually do not match. Therefore, many advanced countries need to be more cooperative in these idea. Well, then which countries are behaving well for the Earth? I found an interesting study on this issue. There is an organization called Climate Action TrakcerCAT which grades each countries actions on the climate change.

     The grade is classified into four categories Role Model, Sufficient, Medium, Inadequate.

CAT standard


     As I am the Korea Ambassador, I would like to first introduce our country's grade.

It is embarrassing to show, since our country has degraded to inadequate. Until 2014, our country was graded sufficient, however, this year, the grade has fallen.

Korea 2014

2014 grade


Korea 2015

2015 grade



     I would like to show other countries' grades.

EU had been rated inadequate until last year but they are in medium status now.



Like EU, USA had been rated inadequate until 2014 but rated medium this year.


I wanted to post grades of other TUNZA members as well, but some of them were not rated. Sorry.

If you want to learn more, visit http://www.climateactiontracker.org/

Looking at these studies, I hope all of the countries to put more effort on the climate change so that all countries can reach sufficient and role model. Now, the country that is in role model status is only Bhutan. However, I believe that with the help of everyone in the world, we can lessen environmental problems.


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  • says :
    Its very interesting report ChaeYun.Thanks for sharing information so vividly.
    Posted 05-07-2015 15:13

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks on sharing all these information. I do liked to read the report. Cheers. =)
    Posted 05-07-2015 07:00

  • says :
    It disheartens to know when there is the mismatch of those polluting and those getting severely effect. There must be unity among all countries and developed countries should pay for those who are effected by their developmental activities. Developing nation should not be ,a de scapegoat.
    Everything will be changed when we all start considering ourselves as global citizen and act that way
    thanks for great report Chae
    Posted 03-07-2015 12:34

  • Arushi Madan says :
    The UAE is on track to achieve its non-binding emissions reduction target by 2030 under current policy projections, and could likely over achieve it.
    Thanks for an interesting report , though it is really disappointing to note few countries degrading from medium to inadequate . Let's hope these countries are putting in place the policies and regulations to upgrade the status.
    Posted 02-07-2015 01:37

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well reported ChaeYun. The UAE is not rated but the report is very positive & shown the commitment of UAE to achieve - at most - a greenhouse gas emissions level of 390 MtCO2e in 2020.

    Posted 01-07-2015 22:07

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