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Association Assirem

by | 01-07-2015 10:09 recommendations 0

Assirem it is an association located in Tizi Ghenif ,Tizi Ouzou state in Algeria.
It is a scientific and cultural association founded by a group of students from Tizi Ghenif town and M'kira town.
Its objective is to establish a clearing fields to enhance and exploit the skills of young people of the two towns in all fields but specially environment.
Days of weeding and planting trees are always organized and directed not only by Assirem association members but other volunteers come to help who care about the environmental issues , Thos days are not just for volunteering ( cleaned up , plantation etc) but also a time of fun ,relaxation and exchange between young students around the towns ,we can see the joy and happiness the smiles on the faces of all participants .Thos actions fall within the program of this association , they make such actions in all environmental occasions, but they do more days of volunteering because this region is in real need of green spaces so this issue pushes these young students from high school  to provide more effort to give new life and a good image to their region . Youth can always make a change !

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks on sharing your mind Sara!!! Assirem sounds full of potential towards our planet conservation. Keep going mate!! =)
    Posted 05-07-2015 06:56

  • says :
    Thank you for the cool introduction on the group of Assirem, Sara :) Are you in the picture? I tried to find you but people look so small~haha. It's impressive that they don't regard cleaning the environment as a work but they take it as quality time along with good friends. Great to know Assirem. Go Assirem !!
    Posted 02-07-2015 18:11

  • says :
    Wow! Assirem has been doing so much specially in the field of environment integrating the youth power. So happy to know about this association in Algeria.
    I wish all the best for activities and success of Assirem in the days to come.
    Thank you for sharing dear Sara :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 12:58

  • says :
    Great work by Assirem.
    It's definetly going to make greener changes Sara.
    Youth are the ones to do it.
    Thanks for sharing it here with us. :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 10:08

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for introducing Assirem .Organisations/associations like this can really tap immense potential of youth and bring a big positive difference.All the best for Assirem.
    Posted 02-07-2015 01:56

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Youth can become the change. Fully agree Sara. Well done Assirem association members & other public.
    Posted 01-07-2015 21:58

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