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Empowering young people through promoting sustainable development initiatives

by | 20-08-2015 14:35 recommendations 0

Kenya face challenges of increasing population, youth unemployment and environmental degradation .Like many other developing countries in the sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya is vulnerable to effects of climate change. Roughly 42% of the country GDP and 70% of overall employment is derived from natural resource-related sectors, including agriculture, mining, forestry, fishing, tourism, water supply and energy.While climate change will lead to adverse impacts across all of these sectors, agricultural stands apart as particularly vulnerable since its dependent on rainfall. Climate change therefore pose a threat on the social-economic and environmental development however it also presents business and investors with opportunity to develop new technologies to mitigate pollution , reduce reliance on fossil fuels and limit our overall impact on the environment thus creating new markets, job opportunities and growth potential.

These problems cannot be resolved by law and policies alone there is need to integrate a holistic approach toward the problem, a change from within in so far as attitudes and behavior towards the environment is concerned. Agenda 21 recognizes youth involvement in environment and development decision-making processes because it affects their lives today and has implications for their futures. One way to approach solving environmental problems on a sustainable basis is implementing creative ideas that empower, educate and engage young people on environmental issues.

Arts and creative works are one of the powerful communication tools to engage youths on climate change issues since they help overcome barriers of language, age and cultures across all levels. Dramas, music and theatre plays expand awareness and understanding around key environmental issues and majority of young people can relate with.

Challenges in urbanization brings along with it opportunities for the youth to solve emerging environmental challenges. Embracing the 3R, Reduce, Recover and Recycle concept of solid waste management has potential in creating youth employment. Recently several individuals and youth community based organizations in Kenya who have started waste recycling business projects have won international awards from their role in environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation. Plastic Fantastic is a start-up Venture located at Ngong in Nairobi, Kenya that runs a programme through which plastic waste is collected from different parts of city, sorted and transformed into a raw material that artisans use to make jewellery's and other fashion accessories.

Last but not least, the government alone will not be able to tackle and handle Climate mitigation and adaptation, updated facts and statistics from 2015 IPCC reports warns us that "The window of action is rapidly closing and Today we have a choice", Youths have to take actions, hold their government accountable through advocacy and activism, participating in policy development and green entrepreneurship activities. Youths need to believe in their potential to change the world. As President Obama puts it " Africa future belongs to its youths', we must exercise our numbers, intellect, creativity in the pursuit of a sustainable future.As young people we need to be self-organized in particularly when addressing climate change issues in our communities. Adapting to climate change is not a choice but a survival mechanism to make end meets in our individual lives.

Dandora Dumpsite with plastics for recycling

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    In fact, young people is the best way when thinking in the future!!! Well done mate!! Keep it up =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 10:37

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Agreeing with you , I endorse that embracing the 3R, Reduce, Recover and Recycle concept of solid waste management has potential in creating youth employment. I am happy to note that several individuals and youth community based organizations there have won international awards for their role in environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation. Youth has immense potential and energy . They need to use this potential and energy in the right direction-towards sustainable development. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 22-08-2015 03:39

  • says :
    This is such a worry for these countries . The UN should come forward to help this country . So that these countries could also get better and their environment could improve gradually .
    Posted 21-08-2015 19:43

  • says :
    Many developing countries like Kenya are facing the problems related to youth and environment and they are interrelated in a way or other. Youths being the most active citizens and basis to every change, it is very important that the youth be trained, encouraged and empowered towards sustainable development.
    Thank you for sharing this insightful report dear Samuel :)
    Posted 21-08-2015 12:47

  • says :
    Africa is the place about which i always want to be updated. thans for sharin my friend.
    Posted 21-08-2015 10:18

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    True that Samuel. The major problem Africa (most part) is facing is population explosion. And with increased population comes need for more mouth to be catered for. Hence greater waste generated in the process. It's up to the youths who by far are the generators of most amount of waste to cut down their appetite and know the government alone can't do it all.
    Posted 21-08-2015 06:13

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