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Promoting Agroforestry for Climate Change Mitigation

by | 21-08-2015 13:31 recommendations 0

The Kenya Vision 2030 targets the planting of at least seven billion trees to address food, water and energy security (Kenya National Action Plan 2013 -2017). Reforestation and restoration of forests on degraded lands including in rangelands will contribute to Kenya's goal of 10 per cent forest cover and provide sustainable development benefits in the form of sustained water availability. 

In terms of climate resilience benefits, efforts to maintain and increase forest cover will help offset anticipated changes in forest growth patterns due to climate change. Forests are vitally important for water catchment management, for mitigating flooding and landslides, for reducing erosion and sediment discharge and for improving soil health. Restoration of forest lands has significant mitigation potential of 38.7 MtCO2e (32.6+6.1) per year by 2030.

The agriculture sector offers great potential for synergies among the objectives of food security, poverty reduction, adaptation and mitigation. Many climate-smart agricultural practices that reduce climate vulnerability also reduce emissions and improve agricultural production potential.

Adopting Agroforestry practices ,has the potential to abate 4.2 MtCO2e by 2030, while offering climate resilience benefits of improved soil quality, improved water retention in the soil, reduced erosion, and perennials that are better able to withstand climatic changes.

Agroforestry concept imageAgroforestry concept

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Indeed agroforestry is an amazing way of a sustainable and organic production. Thanks for sharing all information mate! Keep it up =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 10:17

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What an ambitious target by The Kenya Vision 2030 . 7 billion trees will be very impactful in reducing carbon emission and hence mitigating climate change. All the best. Hope other countries also come up with such enviro-plans.

    Posted 22-08-2015 05:00

  • says :
    Wow! I highly .respect the sustainable vision of Kenya to promote agroforestry. Planting at least 7 billion trees to address food, water and energy security is ambitious planning.
    I wish all the best to Kenyan Government for achievement of its target.
    Thank you for sharing with us dear Samuel :)
    Posted 21-08-2015 22:16

  • says :
    This is great initiative to bring back the forests on the bare lands . The plantation of these trees would surely help in the betterment of the environment of the country . Increasing the production of variety of fruits and vegetables .
    Posted 21-08-2015 20:13

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